♻️ refactor: move stuff out of main.rs

_ 2022-01-09 17:32:07 +00:00
parent 74251fcf37
commit 8872a45d50
4 changed files with 86 additions and 116 deletions

View File

@ -167,11 +167,11 @@ impl Graphics {
pub fn draw (
static_level: &crate::StaticLevel,
phys_tris: &[opengl_rust::physics::Triangle],
logic: &crate::LogicState,
gl_state: &mut GlState,
level: &crate::LoadedLevel,
camera: &crate::Camera,
camera: &crate::level_loader::Camera,
) {
// use serde::Deserialize;
use uniforms as u;
@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ impl Graphics {
if true {
// Raycast for player shadow
let coll = opengl_rust::physics::get_candidate (
&static_level.tris, &[],
&phys_tris, &[],
logic.player.pos + Vec3::new (0.0, 0.0, -100.0),

View File

@ -2,10 +2,13 @@ use anyhow::Result;
use opengl_rust::{
pub struct LoadedLevel {
pub player_spawn: Vec3,
pub camera: Camera,
pub phys_tris: Vec <Triangle>,
pub buffer: Vec <u8>,
pub level: gltf::Document,
@ -28,8 +31,16 @@ impl LoadedLevel {
let mut player_spawn = None;
let mut camera = None;
let mut phys_tris: Vec <opengl_rust::physics::Triangle> = Vec::new ();
for node in scene.nodes () {
if node.camera ().is_some () {
camera = Some (Camera {
transform: node.transform ().clone (),
if node.name () == Some ("Player Spawn") {
let (translation, _, _) = node.transform ().decomposed ();
player_spawn = Some (Vec3::from (translation));
@ -38,7 +49,9 @@ impl LoadedLevel {
else if let Some (mesh) = node.mesh () {
for (_i, prim) in mesh.primitives ().enumerate () {
let m = gltf_node_get_mat4 (&node);
for (_, prim) in mesh.primitives ().enumerate () {
let positions = match prim.get (&Semantic::Positions) {
None => continue,
Some (x) => x,
@ -51,7 +64,7 @@ impl LoadedLevel {
None => continue,
Some (x) => x,
let _pos_view = match positions.view () {
let pos_view = match positions.view () {
None => continue,
Some (x) => x,
@ -59,10 +72,53 @@ impl LoadedLevel {
None => continue,
Some (x) => x,
let _indices_view = match indices.view () {
let indices_view = match indices.view () {
None => continue,
Some (x) => x,
let idx_start = indices.offset () + indices_view.offset ();
let idx_slice = &buffer [idx_start..idx_start + indices.count () * 2];
let vert_start = positions.offset () + pos_view.offset ();
let vert_slice = &buffer [vert_start..vert_start + positions.count () * 4 * 3];
for chunk in idx_slice.chunks_exact (2 * 3) {
let read_idx = |i: usize| u16::from_le_bytes ([chunk [i * 2 + 0], chunk [i * 2 + 1]]);
let idxs = [
read_idx (0),
read_idx (1),
read_idx (2),
let read_pos_coord = |i| f32::from_le_bytes ([
vert_slice [i * 4 + 0],
vert_slice [i * 4 + 1],
vert_slice [i * 4 + 2],
vert_slice [i * 4 + 3],
let read_pos = move |i| {
let i = usize::try_from (i).unwrap ();
m.transform_point3 (Vec3::new (
read_pos_coord (i * 3 + 0),
read_pos_coord (i * 3 + 1),
read_pos_coord (i * 3 + 2),
// glTF triangle winding is backwards from what I expected
// no biggie
let verts = [
read_pos (idxs [0]),
read_pos (idxs [2]),
read_pos (idxs [1]),
phys_tris.push (opengl_rust::physics::Triangle {
@ -72,10 +128,25 @@ impl LoadedLevel {
Some (x) => x,
let camera = match camera {
None => bail! ("Couldn't find camera node in glTF file"),
Some (x) => x,
Ok (Self {
pub struct Camera {
pub transform: gltf::scene::Transform,
pub fn gltf_node_get_mat4 (node: &gltf::Node) -> Mat4 {
Mat4::from_cols_array_2d (&node.transform ().matrix ())

View File

@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
use opengl_rust::{
use crate::{
@ -26,7 +28,7 @@ impl LogicState {
self.player.pos = level.player_spawn;
pub fn step (&mut self, static_level: &StaticLevel, phys_params: &opengl_rust::physics::Params, p_gp: VirtualGamepad) -> LogicStepOutput
pub fn step (&mut self, phys_tris: &[Triangle], phys_params: &opengl_rust::physics::Params, p_gp: VirtualGamepad) -> LogicStepOutput
let player_acc = 1.0;
let player_acc_air = 0.125;
@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ impl LogicState {
let phys_result = opengl_rust::physics::step (&phys_params, &static_level.tris, &[], 0.5, &self.player);
let phys_result = opengl_rust::physics::step (&phys_params, phys_tris, &[], 0.5, &self.player);
self.player = phys_result.body;
if self.player.pos.z < kill_z {

View File

@ -20,11 +20,6 @@ use virtual_gamepad::VirtualGamepad;
pub struct GameState {
logic: LogicState,
static_level: StaticLevel,
pub struct StaticLevel {
tris: Vec <opengl_rust::physics::Triangle>,
@ -59,103 +54,12 @@ async fn main () -> Result <()> {
let mut time_step = TimeStep::new (60, 1000);
let level = LoadedLevel::from_path ("gltf/level-00.glb")?;
let scene = level.level.scenes ().next ().unwrap ();
let mut camera = None;
let mut phys_tris: Vec <opengl_rust::physics::Triangle> = Vec::new ();
for node in scene.nodes () {
if node.camera ().is_some () {
camera = Some (Camera {
transform: node.transform ().clone (),
let mesh = match node.mesh () {
None => continue,
Some (x) => x,
let m = gltf_node_get_mat4 (&node);
for prim in mesh.primitives () {
use gltf::Semantic;
let positions = match prim.get (&Semantic::Positions) {
None => continue,
Some (x) => x,
let pos_view = match positions.view () {
None => continue,
Some (x) => x,
let indices = match prim.indices () {
None => continue,
Some (x) => x,
let indices_view = match indices.view () {
None => continue,
Some (x) => x,
let idx_start = indices.offset () + indices_view.offset ();
let idx_slice = &level.buffer [idx_start..idx_start + indices.count () * 2];
let vert_start = positions.offset () + pos_view.offset ();
let vert_slice = &level.buffer [vert_start..vert_start + positions.count () * 4 * 3];
for chunk in idx_slice.chunks_exact (2 * 3) {
let read_idx = |i: usize| u16::from_le_bytes ([chunk [i * 2 + 0], chunk [i * 2 + 1]]);
let idxs = [
read_idx (0),
read_idx (1),
read_idx (2),
let read_pos_coord = |i| f32::from_le_bytes ([
vert_slice [i * 4 + 0],
vert_slice [i * 4 + 1],
vert_slice [i * 4 + 2],
vert_slice [i * 4 + 3],
let read_pos = move |i| {
let i = usize::try_from (i).unwrap ();
m.transform_point3 (Vec3::new (
read_pos_coord (i * 3 + 0),
read_pos_coord (i * 3 + 1),
read_pos_coord (i * 3 + 2),
// glTF triangle winding is backwards from what I expected
// no biggie
let verts = [
read_pos (idxs [0]),
read_pos (idxs [2]),
read_pos (idxs [1]),
phys_tris.push (opengl_rust::physics::Triangle {
let camera = match camera {
None => bail! ("Couldn't find camera node in glTF file"),
Some (x) => x,
let mut graphics = Graphics::new ();
let mut gl_state = Default::default ();
let mut game_state = GameState {
logic: Default::default (),
static_level: StaticLevel {
tris: phys_tris,
let phys_params = opengl_rust::physics::Params {
dt: 1.0 / 60.0,
@ -235,7 +139,7 @@ async fn main () -> Result <()> {
let p_gp = player_gamepad;
let logic_step_output = game_state.logic.step (&game_state.static_level, &phys_params, p_gp);
let logic_step_output = game_state.logic.step (&level.phys_tris, &phys_params, p_gp);
if logic_step_output.reset_level {
game_state.logic.reset_level (&level);
@ -247,10 +151,10 @@ async fn main () -> Result <()> {
let prediction_frames = 4;
let mut predicted_logic = game_state.logic.clone ();
for _ in 0..prediction_frames {
predicted_logic.step (&game_state.static_level, &phys_params, p_gp);
predicted_logic.step (&level.phys_tris, &phys_params, p_gp);
graphics.draw (&game_state.static_level, &predicted_logic, &mut gl_state, &level, &camera);
graphics.draw (&level.phys_tris, &predicted_logic, &mut gl_state, &level, &level.camera);
graphics.frames += 1;
if graphics.frames == next_upf_print {
@ -281,10 +185,3 @@ struct TriangleStream {
pub indices: gpu_buffers::IndexBuffer,
pub struct Camera {
transform: gltf::scene::Transform,
fn gltf_node_get_mat4 (node: &gltf::Node) -> Mat4 {
Mat4::from_cols_array_2d (&node.transform ().matrix ())