
1373 lines
31 KiB

extern crate maplit;
use glam::{Mat4, Quat, Vec3, Vec4};
use sdl2::event::Event;
use sdl2::keyboard::{Keycode, Scancode};
use std::collections::*;
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use std::str;
use std::time::{Duration};
use opengl_rust::*;
use file::load_small_file;
use iqm::Model;
use renderable_model::RenderableModel;
use shader::{ShaderProgram, ShaderObject};
use shader_closure::*;
use texture::Texture;
use timestep::TimeStep;
pub fn color_from_255 <V> (rgb: V) -> Vec3
where V: Into <Vec3>
let rgb: Vec3 = rgb.into ();
Vec3::from ((
rgb.x () / 255.0,
rgb.y () / 255.0,
rgb.z () / 255.0
struct EulerAngles {
pub azimuth: f32,
pub altitude: f32,
impl Default for EulerAngles {
fn default () -> Self {
Self {
azimuth: 0.0,
altitude: 0.0,
impl EulerAngles {
pub fn to_vec3 (&self) -> Vec3 {
let alt = self.altitude.to_radians ();
let azi = self.azimuth.to_radians ();
let z = alt.sin ();
let xy_len = alt.cos ();
let x = xy_len * -azi.sin ();
let y = xy_len * azi.cos ();
(x, y, z).into ()
// TODO: Use iota macro
const KEY_LEFT: usize = 0;
const KEY_RIGHT: usize = KEY_LEFT + 1;
const KEY_UP: usize = KEY_RIGHT + 1;
const KEY_DOWN: usize = KEY_UP + 1;
struct ControllerState {
keys: Vec <bool>,
impl ControllerState {
pub fn from_sdl_keyboard (k: &sdl2::keyboard::KeyboardState) -> Self {
let f = |c| k.is_scancode_pressed (c);
Self {
keys: vec! [
f (Scancode::Left),
f (Scancode::Right),
f (Scancode::Up),
f (Scancode::Down),
pub fn is_pressed (&self, code: usize) -> bool {
self.keys [code]
pub fn control_eulers (
controlled_angle: &mut EulerAngles,
spin_speed: i32
) -> i32
const SPIN_RAMP_TIME: i32 = 30;
let spin_f = 4.0 * spin_speed as f32 / SPIN_RAMP_TIME as f32;
if self.is_pressed (KEY_LEFT) {
controlled_angle.azimuth += spin_f;
else if self.is_pressed (KEY_RIGHT) {
controlled_angle.azimuth -= spin_f;
else if self.is_pressed (KEY_UP) {
controlled_angle.altitude = f32::min (90.0, controlled_angle.altitude + spin_f);
else if self.is_pressed (KEY_DOWN) {
controlled_angle.altitude = f32::max (-90.0, controlled_angle.altitude - spin_f);
else {
return 0;
std::cmp::min (spin_speed + 1, SPIN_RAMP_TIME)
pub fn control_quat (
controlled_quat: &mut Quat,
spin_speed: i32
) -> i32
const SPIN_RAMP_TIME: i32 = 30;
let spin_f = 4.0 * (spin_speed + 1) as f32 / SPIN_RAMP_TIME as f32;
let spin_f = spin_f.to_radians ();
let mut delta = Quat::default ();
if self.is_pressed (KEY_LEFT) {
delta = delta.mul_quat (Quat::from_rotation_y (-spin_f));
if self.is_pressed (KEY_RIGHT) {
delta = delta.mul_quat (Quat::from_rotation_y (spin_f));
if self.is_pressed (KEY_UP) {
delta = delta.mul_quat (Quat::from_rotation_x (-spin_f));
if self.is_pressed (KEY_DOWN) {
delta = delta.mul_quat (Quat::from_rotation_x (spin_f));
//println! ("spin_f {}, Quat {:?}", spin_f, delta);
if delta == Quat::default () {
else {
*controlled_quat = (controlled_quat.mul_quat (delta)).normalize ();
std::cmp::min (spin_speed + 1, SPIN_RAMP_TIME)
enum PlayMode {
#[derive (Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum UserControl {
struct WindTunnelState {
user_control: UserControl,
camera: EulerAngles,
wind: EulerAngles,
airplane: EulerAngles,
sunlight: EulerAngles,
spin_speed: i32,
struct Airplane {
pos: Vec3,
ori: Quat,
struct FlightState {
airplane: Airplane,
spin_speed: i32,
impl FlightState {
pub fn handle_event (&mut self, event: &sdl2::event::Event) {
pub fn step (&mut self, controller: &ControllerState) {
self.spin_speed = controller.control_quat (&mut self.airplane.ori, self.spin_speed);
struct WorldState {
play_mode: PlayMode,
wind_tunnel: WindTunnelState,
flight: FlightState,
impl WindTunnelState {
pub fn handle_event (&mut self, event: &sdl2::event::Event) {
match event {
Event::KeyDown { keycode: Some (Keycode::C), .. } => {
self.user_control = UserControl::Camera;
Event::KeyDown { keycode: Some (Keycode::W), .. } => {
self.user_control = UserControl::Wind;
Event::KeyDown { keycode: Some (Keycode::P), .. } => {
self.user_control = UserControl::Airplane;
Event::KeyDown { keycode: Some (Keycode::L), .. } => {
self.user_control = UserControl::Sunlight;
_ => (),
pub fn step (
&mut self,
controller: &ControllerState
) {
let controlled_angle = match self.user_control {
UserControl::Camera => &mut self.camera,
UserControl::Wind => &mut self.wind,
UserControl::Airplane => &mut self.airplane,
UserControl::Sunlight => &mut self.sunlight,
self.spin_speed = controller.control_eulers (controlled_angle, self.spin_speed);
impl WorldState {
pub fn new () -> Self {
Self {
play_mode: PlayMode::WindTunnel,
wind_tunnel: WindTunnelState {
user_control: UserControl::Camera,
camera: Default::default (),
wind: Default::default (),
airplane: Default::default (),
sunlight: EulerAngles {
altitude: 90.0,
azimuth: 0.0,
spin_speed: 0,
flight: FlightState {
airplane: Airplane {
pos: (0.0, 0.0, 1.35).into (),
ori: Default::default (),
spin_speed: 0,
pub fn handle_event (&mut self, event: &sdl2::event::Event) {
match event {
Event::KeyDown { keycode: Some (Keycode::T), .. } => {
self.play_mode = PlayMode::WindTunnel;
Event::KeyDown { keycode: Some (Keycode::F), .. } => {
self.play_mode = PlayMode::FreeFlight;
_ => match self.play_mode {
PlayMode::WindTunnel => self.wind_tunnel.handle_event (event),
PlayMode::FreeFlight => self.flight.handle_event (event),
pub fn step (
&mut self,
controller: &ControllerState
) {
match self.play_mode {
PlayMode::WindTunnel => self.wind_tunnel.step (controller),
PlayMode::FreeFlight => self.flight.step (controller),
mod uniforms {
use iota::iota;
iota! {
pub const
MVP: u32 = iota;
fn make_object_space_vec (inverse_model_mat: &Mat4, world_space_vec: &Vec3)
-> Vec3
let v = world_space_vec;
let v4 = *inverse_model_mat * Vec4::from ((v.x (), v.y (), v.z (), 0.0));
Vec3::from ((v4.x (), v4.y (), v4.z ()))
fn renderable_from_iqm_file <P> (filename: P) -> RenderableModel
where P: AsRef <std::path::Path>
let data = load_small_file (filename, 1024 * 1024).unwrap ();
let model = Model::from_slice (&data).unwrap ();
RenderableModel::from_iqm (&model)
fn shader_from_files <P> (vert: P, frag: P) -> ShaderProgram
where P: AsRef <std::path::Path>
let vert_shader = ShaderObject::from_file (gl::VERTEX_SHADER, vert).unwrap ();
let frag_shader = ShaderObject::from_file (gl::FRAGMENT_SHADER, frag).unwrap ();
ShaderProgram::new (&vert_shader, &frag_shader).unwrap ()
struct Arrow {
origin: Vec3,
direction: Vec3,
color: Vec3,
struct RenderableArrow {
model_mat: Mat4,
inv_model_mat: Mat4,
color: Vec3,
#[derive (Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum FrontFace {
impl From <FrontFace> for u32 {
fn from (v: FrontFace) -> Self {
use FrontFace::*;
use gl::*;
match v {
Cw => CW,
Ccw => CCW,
#[derive (Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum StencilOp {
impl From <StencilOp> for u32 {
fn from (v: StencilOp) -> Self {
use StencilOp::*;
use gl::*;
match v {
Keep => KEEP,
Zero => ZERO,
Replace => REPLACE,
Incr => INCR,
Decr => DECR,
Invert => INVERT,
IncrWrap => INCR_WRAP,
DecrWrap => DECR_WRAP,
#[derive (Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum StencilFunc {
impl From <StencilFunc> for u32 {
fn from (v: StencilFunc) -> Self {
use StencilFunc::*;
use gl::*;
match v {
Never => NEVER,
Always => ALWAYS,
Less => LESS,
LessEqual => LEQUAL,
Equal => EQUAL,
Greater => GREATER,
GreaterEqual => GEQUAL,
NotEqual => NOTEQUAL,
#[derive (Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum DepthFunc {
impl From <DepthFunc> for u32 {
fn from (v: DepthFunc) -> Self {
use DepthFunc::*;
use gl::*;
match v {
Never => NEVER,
Always => ALWAYS,
Less => LESS,
LessEqual => LEQUAL,
Equal => EQUAL,
Greater => GREATER,
GreaterEqual => GEQUAL,
NotEqual => NOTEQUAL,
#[derive (Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct StencilOpState {
sfail: StencilOp,
dpfail: StencilOp,
dppass: StencilOp,
#[derive (Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct StencilFuncState {
func: StencilFunc,
reference: i32,
mask: u32,
#[derive (Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct StencilState {
op: StencilOpState,
func: StencilFuncState,
// These are POD where no extra data is needed
// to safely use the flags / numbers
pub struct IsoGlState {
shader_id: Option <u32>,
flags: HashMap <u32, bool>,
front_face: Option <FrontFace>,
stencil: Option <StencilState>,
depth_func: Option <DepthFunc>,
color_mask: Option <(u8, u8, u8, u8)>,
depth_mask: Option <u8>,
stencil_mask: Option <u32>,
impl std::default::Default for IsoGlState {
fn default () -> Self {
Self {
shader_id: None,
flags: hashmap! {},
front_face: None,
stencil: None,
depth_func: None,
color_mask: None,
depth_mask: None,
stencil_mask: None,
// These are POD IDs or hashes of non-POD data
pub struct NonIsoGlState {
impl std::default::Default for NonIsoGlState {
fn default () -> Self {
Self {
pub struct GlState {
iso: IsoGlState,
non_iso: NonIsoGlState,
impl std::default::Default for GlState {
fn default () -> Self {
Self {
iso: Default::default (),
non_iso: Default::default (),
pub struct Pass {
// In the context of a Pass, "None" means "Don't care"
iso: IsoGlState,
impl Pass {
pub fn apply_diff (&self, old_state: &mut IsoGlState) {
let state = &self.iso;
let mut flag_elision_count = 0;
for (flag, value) in state.flags.iter () {
let old_entry = old_state.flags.entry (*flag);
if match &old_entry {
hash_map::Entry::Vacant (_) => true,
hash_map::Entry::Occupied (o) => o.get () != value,
} {
if *value {
glezz::enable (*flag);
else {
glezz::disable (*flag);
old_entry.or_insert (*value);
else {
flag_elision_count += 1;
if flag_elision_count > 0 {
//println! ("Elided {} flags", flag_elision_count);
if let Some (v) = &state.front_face {
if old_state.front_face != state.front_face {
glezz::front_face ((*v).into ());
old_state.front_face = state.front_face;
else {
//println! ("Elided front_face ()");
if let Some (v) = &state.stencil {
if old_state.stencil != state.stencil {
let func = &v.func;
unsafe {
gl::StencilFunc (
func.func.into (),
func.reference.into (),
func.mask.into ()
let op = &v.op;
unsafe {
gl::StencilOp (
op.sfail.into (),
op.dpfail.into (),
op.dppass.into ()
else {
//println! ("Elided stencil state");
if let Some (v) = &state.depth_func {
if old_state.depth_func != state.depth_func {
glezz::depth_func ((*v).into ());
old_state.depth_func = state.depth_func;
else {
//println! ("Elided depth_func ()");
if let Some ((r, g, b, a)) = &state.color_mask {
if old_state.color_mask != state.color_mask {
glezz::color_mask (*r, *g, *b, *a);
old_state.color_mask = state.color_mask;
else {
//println! ("Elided color_mask ()");
if let Some (v) = &state.depth_mask {
if old_state.depth_mask != state.depth_mask {
glezz::depth_mask (*v);
old_state.depth_mask = state.depth_mask;
else {
//println! ("Elided depth_mask ()");
if let Some (v) = &state.stencil_mask {
if old_state.stencil_mask != state.stencil_mask {
glezz::stencil_mask (*v);
old_state.stencil_mask = state.stencil_mask;
else {
//println! ("Elided stencil_mask ()");
pub fn apply_slow (&self) {
let mut iso = IsoGlState::default ();
self.apply_diff (&mut iso);
pub fn with <F> (&self, gl_state: &mut GlState, callback: F)
where F: Fn ()
self.apply_diff (&mut gl_state.iso);
callback ();
pub fn with_shader <F, S> (
gl_state: &mut GlState,
shader_component: &S,
callback: F
where F: Fn (BorrowedShaderVars), S: ShaderLookup
if let Some (s) = self.iso.shader_id {
self.apply_diff (&mut gl_state.iso);
shader_component.lookup (s).with (gl_state.iso.shader_id, |shader_vars| {
callback (shader_vars);
gl_state.iso.shader_id = Some (s);
else {
panic! ("Called with_shader on a pass with no shader");
pub trait ShaderLookup {
fn lookup <'a> (&'a self, id: u32) -> &'a ShaderClosure;
struct GameGraphics {
passes: Vec <Pass>,
shaders: Vec <ShaderClosure>,
shader_lookup: HashMap <u32, usize>,
mesh_airplane: RenderableModel,
mesh_sky: RenderableModel,
mesh_pitch: RenderableModel,
mesh_arrow: RenderableModel,
texture: Texture,
pitch_colors: Vec <Vec3>,
grass_index: usize,
impl ShaderLookup for GameGraphics {
fn lookup <'a> (&'a self, id: u32) -> &'a ShaderClosure {
&self.shaders [self.shader_lookup [&id]]
impl GameGraphics {
pub fn new () -> Self {
let uniform_names = {
use uniforms::*;
vec! [
(MVP, "uni_mvp"),
(OBJECT_SPACE_LIGHT, "uni_object_space_light"),
(OBJECT_SPACE_SKY, "uni_object_space_sky"),
(ALBEDO, "uni_albedo"),
(MIN_ALBEDO, "uni_min_albedo"),
(MIN_BRIGHT, "uni_min_bright"),
(TEXTURE, "uni_texture"),
let attr_names = {
use renderable_model::attributes::*;
vec! [
(POS, "attr_pos"),
(UV, "attr_uv"),
(NORMAL, "attr_normal"),
let shaders: Vec <_> = [
("shaders/pumpkin-vert.glsl", "shaders/pumpkin-frag.glsl"),
("shaders/shadow-vert.glsl", "shaders/shadow-frag.glsl"),
].iter ()
.map (|(v, f)| {
ShaderClosure::new (shader_from_files (v, f), &uniform_names, &attr_names)
.collect ();
let shader_lookup = HashMap::from_iter (shaders.iter ().enumerate ()
.map (|(i, s)| {
(s.get_id (), i)
shaders [0].with (None, |shader_vars| {
let attrs = shader_vars.attrs;
use renderable_model::attributes::*;
glezz::enable_vertex_attrib_array (attrs [POS]);
glezz::enable_vertex_attrib_array (attrs [UV]);
glezz::enable_vertex_attrib_array (attrs [NORMAL]);
let mesh_airplane = renderable_from_iqm_file ("airplane.iqm");
let mesh_sky = renderable_from_iqm_file ("sky-sphere.iqm");
let mesh_pitch = renderable_from_iqm_file ("pitch.iqm");
let mesh_arrow = renderable_from_iqm_file ("arrow.iqm");
let texture = Texture::from_file ("sky.png");
texture.bind ();
let (pitch_colors, grass_index) = {
let silver = (255.0, 255.0, 255.0);
let wood = (133.0, 76.0, 48.0);
let color_lookup: HashMap <&str, _> = HashMap::from_iter (vec! [
("GoalN1", silver),
("GoalN2", silver),
("GoalN3", silver),
("GoalS1", silver),
("GoalS2", silver),
("GoalS3", silver),
("TowerNW", wood),
("TowerNE", wood),
("TowerSW", wood),
("TowerSE", wood),
("Wall", wood),
("Grass", (52.0, 101.0, 36.0)),
].into_iter ());
let mut grass_index = None;
let colors: Vec <_> = (0..mesh_pitch.meshes.len ()).map (|i| {
let name = str::from_utf8 (&mesh_pitch.meshes [i].name).unwrap ();
if name == "Grass" {
grass_index = Some (i);
match color_lookup.get (name) {
Some (t) => color_from_255 (*t),
_ => (0.0, 0.0, 0.0).into (),
}).collect ();
(colors, grass_index.unwrap ())
let passes = vec! [
// Clear everything
Pass {
iso: IsoGlState {
shader_id: None,
flags: hashmap! {},
front_face: None,
stencil: None,
depth_func: None,
color_mask: Some ((1, 1, 1, 1)),
depth_mask: Some (1),
stencil_mask: Some (255),
// Draw world
Pass {
iso: IsoGlState {
shader_id: Some (shaders [0].get_id ()),
flags: hashmap! {
gl::CULL_FACE => true,
gl::DEPTH_TEST => true,
gl::TEXTURE_2D => true,
gl::STENCIL_TEST => false,
front_face: Some (FrontFace::Cw),
stencil: Some (StencilState {
func: StencilFuncState {
func: StencilFunc::Always,
reference: 0,
mask: 0,
op: StencilOpState {
sfail: StencilOp::Keep,
dpfail: StencilOp::Keep,
dppass: StencilOp::Keep,
depth_func: Some (DepthFunc::Less),
color_mask: Some ((1, 1, 1, 1)),
depth_mask: Some (1),
stencil_mask: Some (0),
// Write shadows into stencil buffer
Pass {
iso: IsoGlState {
shader_id: Some (shaders [1].get_id ()),
flags: hashmap! {
gl::CULL_FACE => true,
gl::DEPTH_TEST => true,
gl::STENCIL_TEST => true,
front_face: Some (FrontFace::Ccw),
stencil: Some (StencilState {
func: StencilFuncState {
func: StencilFunc::Always,
reference: 1,
mask: 1,
op: StencilOpState {
sfail: StencilOp::Keep,
dpfail: StencilOp::Keep,
dppass: StencilOp::Replace,
depth_func: Some (DepthFunc::Less),
color_mask: Some ((0, 0, 0, 0)),
depth_mask: Some (0),
stencil_mask: Some (255),
// Draw lit ground
Pass {
iso: IsoGlState {
shader_id: Some (shaders [0].get_id ()),
flags: hashmap! {
gl::CULL_FACE => true,
gl::DEPTH_TEST => true,
gl::TEXTURE_2D => true,
gl::STENCIL_TEST => true,
front_face: Some (FrontFace::Cw),
stencil: Some (StencilState {
func: StencilFuncState {
func: StencilFunc::NotEqual,
reference: 0,
mask: 1,
op: StencilOpState {
sfail: StencilOp::Keep,
dpfail: StencilOp::Keep,
dppass: StencilOp::Keep,
depth_func: Some (DepthFunc::Less),
color_mask: Some ((1, 1, 1, 1)),
depth_mask: Some (1),
stencil_mask: Some (0),
// Draw unlit ground
Pass {
iso: IsoGlState {
shader_id: Some (shaders [0].get_id ()),
flags: hashmap! {
gl::CULL_FACE => true,
gl::DEPTH_TEST => true,
gl::TEXTURE_2D => true,
gl::STENCIL_TEST => true,
front_face: Some (FrontFace::Cw),
stencil: Some (StencilState {
func: StencilFuncState {
func: StencilFunc::Equal,
reference: 0,
mask: 1,
op: StencilOpState {
sfail: StencilOp::Keep,
dpfail: StencilOp::Keep,
dppass: StencilOp::Keep,
depth_func: Some (DepthFunc::Less),
color_mask: Some ((1, 1, 1, 1)),
depth_mask: Some (1),
stencil_mask: Some (0),
// Clear depth
Pass {
iso: IsoGlState {
shader_id: None,
flags: hashmap! {},
front_face: None,
stencil: None,
depth_func: None,
color_mask: None,
depth_mask: Some (1),
stencil_mask: None,
// Draw arrows
Pass {
iso: IsoGlState {
shader_id: Some (shaders [0].get_id ()),
flags: hashmap! {
gl::CULL_FACE => true,
gl::DEPTH_TEST => true,
gl::TEXTURE_2D => true,
gl::STENCIL_TEST => false,
front_face: Some (FrontFace::Cw),
stencil: Some (StencilState {
func: StencilFuncState {
func: StencilFunc::Always,
reference: 0,
mask: 0,
op: StencilOpState {
sfail: StencilOp::Keep,
dpfail: StencilOp::Keep,
dppass: StencilOp::Keep,
depth_func: Some (DepthFunc::Less),
color_mask: Some ((1, 1, 1, 1)),
depth_mask: Some (1),
stencil_mask: Some (0),
Self {
pub fn draw (
state: &WorldState,
gl_state: &mut GlState,
arrows: &[RenderableArrow]
let magenta = color_from_255 ((255.0, 0.0, 255.0));
let orange = color_from_255 ((210.0, 125.0, 44.0));
let green = color_from_255 ((52.0, 101.0, 36.0));
let white = color_from_255 ((255.0, 255.0, 255.0));
let _off_white = color_from_255 ((222.0, 238.0, 214.0));
let black = color_from_255 ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
let _off_black = color_from_255 ((20.0, 12.0, 28.0));
let pumpkin_colors = vec! [
let light = state.wind_tunnel.sunlight.to_vec3 ();
let shadow_mat = {
let mut mat = Mat4::identity ();
mat.set_z_axis ((-light.x () / light.z (), -light.y () / light.z (), 0.0, 0.0).into ());
let mut passes = self.passes.iter ();
//println! ("Started frame");
passes.next ().unwrap ().with (gl_state, || {
glezz::clear_color (1.0f32, 0.0f32, 1.0f32, 1.0f32);
let airplane_model_mat = match state.play_mode {
PlayMode::WindTunnel => {
let euler = &state.wind_tunnel.airplane;
Mat4::from_translation ((0.0, 0.0, 2.7 * 0.5).into ()) *
Mat4::from_rotation_z (euler.azimuth.to_radians ()) *
Mat4::from_rotation_x (euler.altitude.to_radians ())
PlayMode::FreeFlight => {
let airplane = &state.flight.airplane;
Mat4::from_translation (airplane.pos) *
Mat4::from_quat (airplane.ori)
let inverse_airplane = airplane_model_mat.inverse ();
let proj_mat = Mat4::perspective_rh_gl (30.0f32.to_radians (), 1280.0 / 720.0, 0.5, 500.0);
let view_mat = match state.play_mode {
PlayMode::WindTunnel => {
let state = &state.wind_tunnel;
let longitude = state.camera.azimuth.to_radians ();
let latitude = (state.camera.altitude - 90.0).to_radians ();
proj_mat *
Mat4::from_translation (Vec3::from ((0.0, 0.0, -8.0))) *
Mat4::from_rotation_x (latitude) *
Mat4::from_rotation_z (longitude) *
Mat4::from_translation ((0.0, 0.0, -2.7 * 0.5).into ())
PlayMode::FreeFlight => {
proj_mat *
Mat4::from_translation ((0.0, -0.6, -4.0).into ()) *
Mat4::from_rotation_x (-90.0f32.to_radians ()) *
let airplane_model_mat = airplane_model_mat *
Mat4::from_scale ((0.125, 0.125, 0.125).into ());
let world_model_mat = Mat4::identity ();
use uniforms::*;
// Draw the world except the ground plane
passes.next ().unwrap ().with_shader (gl_state, self,
|shader_vars| {
let unis = shader_vars.unis;
let attrs = shader_vars.attrs;
let mvp = view_mat * airplane_model_mat;
glezz::uniform_matrix_4fv (unis [&MVP], &mvp);
let object_space_light = make_object_space_vec (&inverse_airplane, &light);
let object_space_sky = make_object_space_vec (&inverse_airplane, &Vec3::from ((0.0, 0.0, 1.0)));
glezz::uniform_3fv (unis [&MIN_BRIGHT], &black);
glezz::uniform_3fv (unis [&MIN_ALBEDO], &white);
glezz::uniform_3fv (unis [&OBJECT_SPACE_LIGHT], &object_space_light);
glezz::uniform_3fv (unis [&OBJECT_SPACE_SKY], &object_space_sky);
let gunmetal_grey = color_from_255 ((133.0, 149.0, 161.0));
glezz::uniform_3fv (unis [&ALBEDO], &gunmetal_grey);
self.mesh_airplane.draw_all (attrs, |i| {
let mvp = view_mat * world_model_mat;
glezz::uniform_matrix_4fv (unis [&MVP], &mvp);
glezz::uniform_3fv (unis [&OBJECT_SPACE_LIGHT], &light);
glezz::uniform_3fv (unis [&OBJECT_SPACE_SKY], &Vec3::from ((0.0, 0.0, 1.0)));
self.mesh_pitch.draw_all (attrs, |i| {
glezz::uniform_3fv (unis [&ALBEDO], &self.pitch_colors [i]);
i != self.grass_index
let draw_sky = true;
if draw_sky {
let sky_mvp_mat = view_mat * Mat4::from_scale ((16.0, 16.0, 16.0).into ());
self.texture.bind ();
glezz::uniform_matrix_4fv (unis [&MVP], &sky_mvp_mat);
glezz::uniform_3fv (unis [&ALBEDO], &white);
glezz::uniform_3fv (unis [&MIN_BRIGHT], &white);
glezz::uniform_3fv (unis [&MIN_ALBEDO], &black);
glezz::uniform_1i (unis [&TEXTURE], 0);
self.mesh_sky.draw_all (attrs, |_| true);
// Draw shadows into stencil buffer
passes.next ().unwrap ().with_shader (gl_state, self,
|shader_vars| {
let unis = shader_vars.unis;
let attrs = shader_vars.attrs;
let view_mat = view_mat * shadow_mat;
let mvp = view_mat * airplane_model_mat;
glezz::uniform_matrix_4fv (unis [&MVP], &mvp);
self.mesh_airplane.draw_all (attrs, |_| true);
let mvp = view_mat * world_model_mat;
glezz::uniform_matrix_4fv (unis [&MVP], &mvp);
self.mesh_pitch.draw_all (attrs, |i| i != self.grass_index);
for arrow in arrows.iter () {
let mvp = view_mat * arrow.model_mat;
glezz::uniform_matrix_4fv (unis [&MVP], &mvp);
self.mesh_arrow.draw_all (attrs, |_| true);
// Draw unlit ground
passes.next ().unwrap ().with_shader (gl_state, self,
|shader_vars| {
let unis = shader_vars.unis;
let attrs = shader_vars.attrs;
glezz::uniform_3fv (unis [&MIN_BRIGHT], &black);
glezz::uniform_3fv (unis [&MIN_ALBEDO], &white);
glezz::uniform_3fv (unis [&OBJECT_SPACE_LIGHT], &light);
glezz::uniform_3fv (unis [&OBJECT_SPACE_SKY], &Vec3::from ((0.0, 0.0, 1.0)));
let mvp = view_mat * world_model_mat;
glezz::uniform_matrix_4fv (unis [&MVP], &mvp);
glezz::uniform_3fv (unis [&ALBEDO], &self.pitch_colors [self.grass_index]);
glezz::uniform_3fv (unis [&OBJECT_SPACE_LIGHT], &Vec3::from ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)));
self.mesh_pitch.draw (attrs, self.grass_index);
// Draw lit ground
passes.next ().unwrap ().with_shader (gl_state, self,
|shader_vars| {
let unis = shader_vars.unis;
let attrs = shader_vars.attrs;
glezz::uniform_3fv (unis [&OBJECT_SPACE_LIGHT], &light);
glezz::uniform_3fv (unis [&OBJECT_SPACE_SKY], &Vec3::from ((0.0, 0.0, 1.0)));
self.mesh_pitch.draw (attrs, self.grass_index);
// Clear depth
passes.next ().unwrap ().with (gl_state, || {
glezz::clear (gl::DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);
// Draw arrows
passes.next ().unwrap ().with_shader (gl_state, self,
|shader_vars| {
let unis = &shader_vars.unis;
glezz::uniform_3fv (unis [&MIN_BRIGHT], &black);
glezz::uniform_3fv (unis [&MIN_ALBEDO], &white);
for arrow in arrows.iter () {
let mvp = view_mat * arrow.model_mat;
glezz::uniform_matrix_4fv (unis [&MVP], &mvp);
let object_space_light = make_object_space_vec (&arrow.inv_model_mat, &light);
let object_space_sky = make_object_space_vec (&arrow.inv_model_mat, &Vec3::from ((0.0, 0.0, 1.0)));
glezz::uniform_3fv (unis [&OBJECT_SPACE_LIGHT], &object_space_light);
glezz::uniform_3fv (unis [&OBJECT_SPACE_SKY], &object_space_sky);
glezz::uniform_3fv (unis [&ALBEDO], &arrow.color);
self.mesh_arrow.draw_all (shader_vars.attrs, |_| true);
fn main () {
let sdl_context = sdl2::init ().unwrap ();
let video_subsystem = sdl_context.video ().unwrap ();
let window = video_subsystem.window ("OpenGL? In my Rust?", 1280, 720)
.position_centered ()
.opengl ()
.build ()
.unwrap ();
gl::load_with (|s| {
video_subsystem.gl_get_proc_address (s) as *const _
assert! (gl::ClearColor::is_loaded ());
let gl_ctx = window.gl_create_context ().unwrap ();
window.gl_make_current (&gl_ctx).unwrap ();
let mut time_step = TimeStep::new (60, 1000);
let mut state = WorldState::new ();
let graphics = GameGraphics::new ();
let mut gl_state = Default::default ();
let mut graphics_frames = 0;
let mut event_pump = sdl_context.event_pump ().unwrap ();
'running: loop {
let frames_to_do = time_step.step ();
let _mouse = event_pump.mouse_state ();
for event in event_pump.poll_iter() {
match event {
Event::Quit {..} |
Event::KeyDown { keycode: Some (Keycode::Escape), .. } => {
break 'running
_ => state.handle_event (&event),
let controller = ControllerState::from_sdl_keyboard (&event_pump.keyboard_state ());
for _ in 0..frames_to_do {
state.step (&controller);
let control_flash = if graphics_frames % 16 >= 8 {
(1.0, 1.0, 1.0).into ()
else {
(1.0, 0.0, 0.0).into ()
let arrows = match state.play_mode {
PlayMode::WindTunnel => {
let state = &state.wind_tunnel;
let purple = (1.0, 0.5, 1.0).into ();
let origin: Vec3 = (0.0, 0.0, 1.35).into ();
let gravity = (0.0, 0.0, -1.0).into ();
let wind = state.wind.to_vec3 () * -1.0;
let wind_force = (wind.x (), 0.125 * wind.y (), wind.z ()).into ();
let get_flash = |control_type, default_color| {
if state.user_control == control_type {
else {
Arrow {
origin: (0.0, 0.0, 1.35).into (),
direction: gravity,
color: (1.0, 0.5, 0.5).into (),
Arrow {
origin: origin + wind * -2.0,
direction: wind,
color: get_flash (UserControl::Wind, purple),
Arrow {
origin: origin,
direction: wind_force,
color: purple,
Arrow {
origin: origin,
direction: state.airplane.to_vec3 () * 0.5,
color: get_flash (UserControl::Airplane, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0).into ()),
_ => vec![],
let renderable_arrows: Vec <_> = arrows.iter ().map (|arrow| {
let dir_len = arrow.direction.length ();
let d = arrow.direction / dir_len;
let up: Vec3 = if d.z () > 0.5 {
(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
else if d.z () < -0.5 {
(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
else {
(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
}.into ();
// These are probably all fucked
let left = d.cross (up);
let up = d.cross (left);
let mut dir_mat = Mat4::identity ();
dir_mat.set_x_axis ((left.x (), left.y (), left.z (), 0.0).into ());
dir_mat.set_y_axis ((up.x (), up.y (), up.z (), 0.0).into ());
dir_mat.set_z_axis ((d.x (), d.y (), d.z (), 0.0).into ());
let s = dir_len * 0.0625;
let model_mat =
Mat4::from_translation (arrow.origin) *
Mat4::from_scale ((s, s, s).into ()) *
let inv_model_mat = model_mat.inverse ();
RenderableArrow {
color: arrow.color,
}).collect ();
window.gl_make_current (&gl_ctx).unwrap ();
graphics.draw (&state, &mut gl_state, &renderable_arrows);
window.gl_swap_window ();
graphics_frames += 1;
std::thread::sleep (Duration::from_millis (15));
#[cfg (test)]
mod tests {
use super::*;
pub fn sizes () {
use std::mem;
assert_eq! (8, mem::size_of::<Option <u32>>());
assert_eq! (1, mem::size_of::<FrontFace>());
assert_eq! (1, mem::size_of::<Option <FrontFace>>());