use std::{ str::FromStr, }; use chrono::{ Local, SecondsFormat, }; use fltk::{ app, button, prelude::*, text, window::Window, }; use tokio::{ fs, io::AsyncWriteExt, time::{ Duration, interval, }, }; #[tokio::main] async fn main () -> Result <(), Error> { let mut config = Config::default (); let mut args = std::env::args (); // Finally found the difference: while let Some (arg) = () { if arg == "--interval-secs" { let val = ().ok_or (Error::ParamNeedsArg ("--interval-secs"))?; let val = u64::from_str (&val).map_err (|_| Error::CannotParseArg ("--interval-secs "))?; config.interval_secs = val; } else if arg == "--prompt" { let val = ().ok_or (Error::ParamNeedsArg ("--prompt"))?; config.prompt = val; } } let (fltk_tx, fltk_rx) = app::channel:: (); let app = app::App::default (); tokio::spawn (async move { let mut i = interval (Duration::from_secs (config.interval_secs)); i.set_missed_tick_behavior (tokio::time::MissedTickBehavior::Skip); loop { i.tick ().await; eprintln! ("3SAHNQ43 Popping up"); fltk_tx.send (Message::PopUp); } }); let mut gui = Gui::new (config, fltk_tx); while app.wait () { let msg = match fltk_rx.recv () { Some (x) => x, None => continue, }; match msg { Message::Submit => { if let Err (e) = gui.submit ().await { eprintln! ("DVW4SBNB Error while submitting: {:?}", e); } }, Message::PopUp => { if let Err (e) = gui.pop_up () { eprintln! ("5BWNNQT6 Error while popping up: {:?}", e); } }, } } Ok (()) } struct Config { interval_secs: u64, prompt: String, } impl Default for Config { fn default () -> Self { Self { interval_secs: 2225, prompt: "Write a journal entry, then hit Tab, Enter to submit it.".into (), } } } #[derive (Clone, Copy)] enum Message { PopUp, Submit, } #[derive (thiserror::Error, Debug)] enum Error { #[error ("46MVLSEL Cannot parse argument: {0}")] CannotParseArg (&'static str), #[error ("4JZ5B2FN Editor has no buffer, this should be impossible")] EditorHasNoBuffer, #[error ("OKE7Z5O6 FLTK: {0}")] Fltk (#[from] FltkError), #[error ("4BQPBIAJ IO")] Io (#[from] std::io::Error), #[error ("KDP4DNOP JSON serialization failed")] JsonSerialization (#[from] serde_json::Error), #[error ("3MYHBQWV Parameter {0} needs an argument")] ParamNeedsArg (&'static str), } #[derive (serde::Serialize)] struct JournalLine { text: String, time_submitted: String, } struct Gui { armed: bool, editor: text::TextEditor, wind: Window, } impl Gui { fn new (config: Config, fltk_tx: app::Sender ) -> Self { let mut wind = Window::new (100, 100, 640, 480, "Annoying Journal"); wind.make_resizable (true); let mut buffer = text::TextBuffer::default (); buffer.set_text (&config.prompt); let mut display = text::TextDisplay::new (0, 0, 640, 50, ""); display.set_buffer (Some (buffer)); let mut editor = text::TextEditor::new (0, 50, 640, 480 - 50 - 50, ""); editor.set_buffer (Some (text::TextBuffer::default ())); editor.set_tab_nav (true); let mut but = button::ReturnButton::new (640 - 100, 480 - 50, 100, 50, "Submit"); but.emit (fltk_tx, Message::Submit); wind.end (); (); Self { armed: true, editor, wind, } } fn pop_up (&mut self) -> Result <(), Error> { if ! self.armed { eprintln! ("O4U6E36V Ignoring pop-up, not armed"); return Ok (()); } self.armed = false; (); self.editor.take_focus ()?; Ok (()) } async fn submit (&mut self) -> Result <(), Error> { let buffer = match self.editor.buffer () { None => return Err (Error::EditorHasNoBuffer), Some (x) => x, }; let jl = JournalLine { text: buffer.text (), time_submitted: Local::now ().to_rfc3339_opts (SecondsFormat::Secs, true), }; let s = serde_json::to_string (&jl)?; fs::create_dir_all ("annoying_journal").await?; let mut f = fs::OpenOptions::new () .append (true) .create (true) .open ("annoying_journal/journal.jsonl").await?; f.write_all (s.as_bytes ()).await?; f.write_all (b"\n").await?; println! ("{}", s); self.editor.set_buffer (text::TextBuffer::default ()); self.wind.iconize (); self.armed = true; Ok (()) } }