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2021-12-09 01:28:29 +00:00
use crate::prelude::*;
#[derive (Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum AppError {
#[error (transparent)]
AddrParse (#[from] std::net::AddrParseError),
#[error (transparent)]
CliArgs (#[from] CliArgError),
#[error (transparent)]
Io (#[from] std::io::Error),
#[error (transparent)]
Ip (#[from] crate::ip::IpError),
#[error (transparent)]
MacAddr (#[from] mac_address::MacAddressError),
#[error (transparent)]
Message (#[from] crate::message::MessageError),
#[error (transparent)]
Tlv (#[from] crate::tlv::TlvError),
#[derive (Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum CliArgError {
#[error ("Missing value for argument `{0}`")]
MissingArgumentValue (String),
#[error ("First argument should be a subcommand")]
#[error ("Unknown subcommand `{0}`")]
UnknownSubcommand (String),
#[error ("Unrecognized argument `{0}`")]
UnrecognizedArgument (String),
pub async fn recv_msg_from (socket: &UdpSocket) -> Result <(Vec <Message>, SocketAddr), AppError>
let mut buf = vec! [0u8; PACKET_SIZE];
let (bytes_recved, remote_addr) = socket.recv_from (&mut buf).await?;
buf.truncate (bytes_recved);
let msgs = Message::from_slice2 (&buf)?;
Ok ((msgs, remote_addr))
pub struct Params {
// Servers bind on this port, clients must send to the port
pub server_port: u16,
// Clients and servers will all join the same multicast addr
pub multicast_addr: Ipv4Addr,
impl Default for Params {
fn default () -> Self {
Self {
server_port: 9040,
multicast_addr: Ipv4Addr::new (225, 100, 99, 98),