Compare commits


No commits in common. "aa75119f39d271f91c3510d072e24d2f4e443a17" and "6dc4eb2771a06fbabd8570b85301f19b5eab8a0d" have entirely different histories.

2 changed files with 42 additions and 434 deletions

View File

@ -40,14 +40,10 @@ enum AppError {
#[derive (Debug, Error)]
enum CliArgError {
#[error ("Missing value for argument `{0}`")]
MissingArgumentValue (String),
#[error ("First argument should be a subcommand")]
#[error ("Unknown subcommand `{0}`")]
UnknownSubcommand (String),
#[error ("Unrecognized argument `{0}`")]
UnrecognizedArgument (String),
struct CommonParams {
@ -82,25 +78,21 @@ fn main () -> Result <(), AppError> {
let subcommand: Option <String> = ();
let mut common_params = CommonParams::default ();
match subcommand.as_ref ().map (|x| &x[..]) {
None => return Err (CliArgError::MissingSubcommand.into ()),
Some ("client") => client ()?,
Some ("server") => server (args)?,
Some ("client") => client (&common_params)?,
Some ("server") => server (&common_params)?,
Some (x) => return Err (CliArgError::UnknownSubcommand (x.to_string ()).into ()),
Ok (())
struct ServerResponse {
mac: Option <[u8; 6]>,
nickname: Option <String>,
fn client () -> Result <(), AppError> {
fn client (common_params: &CommonParams) -> Result <(), AppError> {
use rand::RngCore;
let mut common_params = CommonParams::default ();
let socket = UdpSocket::bind ("")?;
socket.join_multicast_v4 (&common_params.multicast_addr, &([0u8, 0, 0, 0].into ()))?;
@ -109,7 +101,7 @@ fn client () -> Result <(), AppError> {
let mut idem_id = [0u8; 8];
rand::thread_rng ().fill_bytes (&mut idem_id);
let msg = Message::Request1 {
let msg = Message::Request {
mac: None,
}.to_vec ()?;
@ -124,71 +116,35 @@ fn client () -> Result <(), AppError> {
let mut peers = HashMap::with_capacity (10);
while Instant::now () < start_time + Duration::from_secs (2) {
let (msgs, remote_addr) = match recv_msg_from (&socket) {
let (resp, remote_addr) = match recv_msg_from (&socket) {
Err (_) => continue,
Ok (x) => x,
let mut resp = ServerResponse {
mac: None,
nickname: None,
let peer_mac_addr = match resp {
Message::Response (mac) => mac,
_ => continue,
for msg in msgs.into_iter () {
match msg {
Message::Response1 (x) => resp.mac = x,
Message::Response2 (x) => resp.nickname = Some (x.nickname),
_ => (),
peers.insert (remote_addr, resp);
peers.insert (remote_addr, peer_mac_addr);
let mut peers: Vec <_> = peers.into_iter ().collect ();
peers.sort_by_key (|(k, v)| v.mac);
peers.sort ();
println! ("Found {} peers:", peers.len ());
for (ip, resp) in peers.into_iter () {
let mac = match resp.mac {
None => {
println! ("<Unknown> = {}", ip);
Some (x) => x,
let nickname = match resp.nickname {
None => {
println! ("{} = {}", MacAddress::new (mac), ip.ip ());
Some (x) => x,
println! ("{} = {} `{}`", MacAddress::new (mac), ip.ip (), nickname);
for (ip, mac) in &peers {
match mac {
Some (mac) => println! ("{} = {}", MacAddress::new (*mac), ip.ip ()),
None => println! ("<Unknown> = {}", ip),
Ok (())
fn server <I: Iterator <Item=String>> (mut args: I) -> Result <(), AppError>
fn server (common_params: &CommonParams) -> Result <(), AppError>
let mut common_params = CommonParams::default ();
let mut nickname = String::new ();
while let Some (arg) = () {
match arg.as_str () {
"--nickname" => {
nickname = match () {
None => return Err (CliArgError::MissingArgumentValue (arg).into ()),
Some (x) => x
_ => return Err (CliArgError::UnrecognizedArgument (arg).into ()),
let our_mac = get_mac_address ()?.map (|x| x.bytes ());
if our_mac.is_none () {
println! ("Warning: Can't find our own MAC address. We won't be able to respond to MAC-specific lookaround requests");
@ -202,18 +158,10 @@ fn server <I: Iterator <Item=String>> (mut args: I) -> Result <(), AppError>
loop {
println! ("Waiting for messages...");
let (req_msgs, remote_addr) = recv_msg_from (&socket)?;
let req = match req_msgs.into_iter ().next () {
Some (x) => x,
_ => {
println! ("Don't know how to handle this message, ignoring");
let (req, remote_addr) = recv_msg_from (&socket)?;
let resp = match req {
Message::Request1 {
Message::Request {
mac: None,
} => {
@ -224,30 +172,24 @@ fn server <I: Iterator <Item=String>> (mut args: I) -> Result <(), AppError>
else {
recent_idem_ids.insert (0, idem_id);
recent_idem_ids.truncate (30);
Some (vec! [
Message::Response1 (our_mac),
Message::Response2 (message::Response2 {
nickname: nickname.clone (),
Some (Message::Response (our_mac))
_ => continue,
if let Some (resp) = resp {
socket.send_to (&Message::many_to_vec (&resp)?, remote_addr).unwrap ();
socket.send_to (&resp.to_vec ()?, remote_addr).unwrap ();
fn recv_msg_from (socket: &UdpSocket) -> Result <(Vec <Message>, SocketAddr), AppError>
fn recv_msg_from (socket: &UdpSocket) -> Result <(Message, SocketAddr), AppError>
let mut buf = vec! [0u8; PACKET_SIZE];
let (bytes_recved, remote_addr) = socket.recv_from (&mut buf)?;
buf.truncate (bytes_recved);
let msgs = Message::from_slice2 (&buf)?;
let msg = Message::from_slice (&buf)?;
Ok ((msgs, remote_addr))
Ok ((msg, remote_addr))

View File

@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
use std::{
use crate::tlv;
@ -12,65 +9,32 @@ use thiserror::Error;
const MAGIC_NUMBER: [u8; 4] = [0x9a, 0x4a, 0x43, 0x81];
pub const PACKET_SIZE: usize = 1024;
type Mac = [u8; 6];
#[derive (Debug, PartialEq)]
#[derive (Debug)]
pub enum Message {
// 1
Request1 {
Request {
idem_id: [u8; 8],
mac: Option <[u8; 6]>
// 2
Response1 (Option <[u8; 6]>),
// 3
Response2 (Response2),
#[derive (Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Response2 {
pub idem_id: [u8; 8],
pub nickname: String,
Response (Option <[u8; 6]>),
#[derive (Debug, Error)]
pub enum MessageError {
#[error (transparent)]
Io (#[from] std::io::Error),
#[error ("Length prefix too long")]
LengthPrefixTooLong ((usize, usize)),
#[error (transparent)]
Tlv (#[from] tlv::TlvError),
#[error (transparent)]
TryFromInt (#[from] std::num::TryFromIntError),
#[error ("Unknown type")]
#[error (transparent)]
FromUtf8 (#[from] std::string::FromUtf8Error),
#[derive (Default)]
struct DummyWriter {
position: usize,
impl Write for DummyWriter {
fn flush (&mut self) -> std::io::Result <()> {
Ok (())
fn write (&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result <usize> {
self.position += buf.len ();
Ok (buf.len ())
impl Message {
pub fn write <T> (&self, w: &mut Cursor <T>) -> Result <(), std::io::Error>
where Cursor <T>: Write
pub fn write <W: std::io::Write> (&self, w: &mut W) -> Result <(), std::io::Error>
w.write_all (&MAGIC_NUMBER)?;
match self {
Self::Request1 {
Self::Request {
}=> {
@ -78,41 +42,16 @@ impl Message {
w.write_all (&idem_id[..])?;
Self::write_mac_opt (w, *mac)?;
Self::Response1 (mac) => {
Self::Response (mac) => {
w.write_all (&[2])?;
Self::write_mac_opt (w, *mac)?;
Self::Response2 (x) => {
w.write_all (&[3])?;
// Measure length with dummy writes
// This is dumb, I'm just messing around to see if I can do
// this without allocating.
let mut dummy_writer = DummyWriter::default ();
Self::write_response_2 (&mut dummy_writer, x)?;
// Write length and real params to real output
let len = u32::try_from (dummy_writer.position).unwrap ();
w.write_all (&len.to_le_bytes ())?;
Self::write_response_2 (w, x)?;
Ok (())
fn write_response_2 <W: Write> (w: &mut W, params: &Response2)
-> Result <(), std::io::Error>
w.write_all (&params.idem_id)?;
let nickname = params.nickname.as_bytes ();
let nickname_len = u32::try_from (nickname.len ()).unwrap ();
w.write_all (&nickname_len.to_le_bytes ())?;
w.write_all (&nickname)?;
Ok (())
fn write_mac_opt <W: Write> (w: &mut W, mac: Option <[u8; 6]>) -> Result <(), std::io::Error>
fn write_mac_opt <W: std::io::Write> (w: &mut W, mac: Option <[u8; 6]>) -> Result <(), std::io::Error>
match mac {
Some (mac) => {
@ -126,21 +65,12 @@ impl Message {
pub fn to_vec (&self) -> Result <Vec <u8>, tlv::TlvError> {
let mut cursor = Cursor::new (Vec::with_capacity (PACKET_SIZE));
cursor.write_all (&MAGIC_NUMBER)?;
self.write (&mut cursor)?;
Ok (cursor.into_inner ())
pub fn many_to_vec (msgs: &[Self]) -> Result <Vec <u8>, tlv::TlvError> {
let mut cursor = Cursor::new (Vec::with_capacity (PACKET_SIZE));
cursor.write_all (&MAGIC_NUMBER)?;
for msg in msgs {
msg.write (&mut cursor)?;
Ok (cursor.into_inner ())
fn read1 <R: std::io::Read> (r: &mut R) -> Result <Self, MessageError> {
pub fn read <R: std::io::Read> (r: &mut R) -> Result <Self, MessageError> {
tlv::Reader::expect (r, &MAGIC_NUMBER)?;
let t = tlv::Reader::u8 (r)?;
Ok (match t {
@ -149,62 +79,14 @@ impl Message {
r.read_exact (&mut idem_id)?;
let mac = Self::read_mac_opt (r)?;
Self::Request1 {
Self::Request {
2 => {
let mac = Self::read_mac_opt (r)?;
Self::Response1 (mac)
_ => return Err (MessageError::UnknownType),
fn read2 <R: std::io::Read> (r: &mut R) -> Result <Self, MessageError> {
let t = tlv::Reader::u8 (r)?;
Ok (match t {
1 => {
let mut idem_id = [0u8; 8];
r.read_exact (&mut idem_id)?;
let mac = Self::read_mac_opt (r)?;
Self::Request1 {
2 => {
let mac = Self::read_mac_opt (r)?;
Self::Response1 (mac)
3 => {
let mut len = [0; 4];
r.read_exact (&mut len)?;
let _len = len;
let mut idem_id = [0; 8];
r.read_exact (&mut idem_id)?;
let mut nickname_len = [0; 4];
r.read_exact (&mut nickname_len)?;
let nickname_len = u32::from_le_bytes (nickname_len);
let nickname_len = usize::try_from (nickname_len)?;
if nickname_len > 64 {
return Err (MessageError::LengthPrefixTooLong ((64, nickname_len)));
let mut nickname = vec! [0u8; nickname_len];
r.read_exact (&mut nickname)?;
let nickname = String::from_utf8 (nickname)?;
Self::Response2 (Response2 {
Self::Response (mac)
_ => return Err (MessageError::UnknownType),
@ -223,232 +105,16 @@ impl Message {
pub fn from_slice1 (buf: &[u8]) -> Result <Self, MessageError> {
pub fn from_slice (buf: &[u8]) -> Result <Self, MessageError> {
let mut cursor = Cursor::new (buf);
tlv::Reader::expect (&mut cursor, &MAGIC_NUMBER)?;
Self::read1 (&mut cursor)
pub fn from_slice2 (buf: &[u8]) -> Result <Vec <Self>, MessageError> {
let mut cursor = Cursor::new (buf);
tlv::Reader::expect (&mut cursor, &MAGIC_NUMBER)?;
let mut msgs = Vec::with_capacity (2);
while cursor.position () < u64::try_from (buf.len ())? {
let msg = Self::read2 (&mut cursor)?;
msgs.push (msg);
Ok (msgs)
Self::read (&mut cursor)
#[cfg (test)]
mod test {
use super::*;
fn test_write_2 () {
for (input, expected) in [
vec! [
Message::Request1 {
idem_id: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,],
mac: None,
vec! [
154, 74, 67, 129,
// Request tag
// Idem ID
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
// MAC is None
vec! [
Message::Response1 (Some ([0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66])),
Message::Response2 (Response2 {
idem_id: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,],
nickname: ":V".to_string (),
vec! [
// Magic number for LookAround packets
154, 74, 67, 129,
// Response1 tag
// MAC is Some
// MAC
17, 34, 51, 68, 85, 102,
// Response2 tag
// Length prefix
14, 0, 0, 0,
// Idem ID
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
// Length-prefixed string
2, 0, 0, 0,
58, 86,
] {
let actual = Message::many_to_vec (&input).unwrap ();
assert_eq! (actual, expected, "{:?}", input);
fn test_1 () {
fn test_write_1 () {
for (input, expected) in [
Message::Request1 {
idem_id: [0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08],
mac: None,
vec! [
154, 74, 67, 129,
// Request tag
// Idem ID
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
// MAC is None
Message::Response1 (Some ([0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66])),
vec! [
// Magic number for LookAround packets
154, 74, 67, 129,
// Response tag
// MAC is Some
// MAC
17, 34, 51, 68, 85, 102,
Message::Response1 (None),
vec! [
// Magic number for LookAround packets
154, 74, 67, 129,
// Response tag
// MAC is None
].into_iter () {
let actual = input.to_vec ().unwrap ();
assert_eq! (actual, expected, "{:?}", input);
fn test_read_2 () {
for input in [
vec! [
Message::Request1 {
idem_id: [0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08],
mac: None,
vec! [
Message::Response1 (Some ([0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66])),
vec! [
Message::Response1 (None),
vec! [
Message::Response1 (Some ([0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66])),
Message::Response2 (Response2 {
idem_id: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,],
nickname: ":V".to_string (),
].into_iter () {
let encoded = Message::many_to_vec (&input).unwrap ();
let decoded = Message::from_slice2 (&encoded).unwrap ();
assert_eq! (input, decoded);
fn test_read_1 () {
for input in [
Message::Request1 {
idem_id: [0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08],
mac: None,
Message::Response1 (Some ([0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66])),
Message::Response1 (None),
].into_iter () {
let encoded = input.to_vec ().unwrap ();
let decoded = Message::from_slice1 (&encoded).unwrap ();
assert_eq! (input, decoded);
for (expected, input) in [
Message::Request1 {
idem_id: [0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08],
mac: None,
vec! [
154, 74, 67, 129,
// Request tag
// Idem ID
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
// MAC is None
Message::Response1 (Some ([0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66])),
vec! [
// Magic number for LookAround packets
154, 74, 67, 129,
// Response tag
// MAC is Some
// MAC
17, 34, 51, 68, 85, 102,
Message::Response1 (None),
vec! [
// Magic number for LookAround packets
154, 74, 67, 129,
// Response tag
// MAC is None
Message::Response1 (None),
vec! [
// Magic number for LookAround packets
154, 74, 67, 129,
// Response tag
// MAC is None
// New tag that older versions will just ignore
].into_iter () {
let actual = Message::from_slice1 (&input).unwrap ();
assert_eq! (actual, expected, "{:?}", actual);