use std::rc::Rc; use crate::{ instruction::Instruction, value::{ BogusClosure, Value, }, }; pub struct Block { pub instructions: Vec , pub constants: Vec , pub upvalue_count: usize, } pub struct Chunk { pub blocks: Vec , } #[derive (Clone, Debug)] struct StackFrame { // i32 makes it a little easier to implement jumps // Starts at 0 right after OP_CALL program_counter: i32, // Starts from 0 for main and 1 for the first closure block_idx: usize, register_offset: usize, } #[derive (Debug)] pub struct Breakpoint { pub block_idx: usize, pub program_counter: i32, } #[derive (Debug)] pub struct State { registers: Vec , // Currently only used for native function calls top: usize, stack: Vec , pub debug_print: bool, pub breakpoints: Vec , step_count: u32, } impl Default for State { fn default () -> Self { Self { registers: vec! [Value::Nil; 16], top: 0, stack: vec! [ StackFrame { program_counter: 0, block_idx: 0, register_offset: 0, }, ], debug_print: false, breakpoints: Default::default(), step_count: 0, } } } fn lw_print (l: &mut State) -> i32 { for i in 0..u8::try_from (l.get_top ()).unwrap () { let input = l.reg (i); if i == 0 { print! ("{input}"); } else { print! ("\t{input}"); } } println! (""); *l.reg_mut (0) = Value::from (1993); 1 } impl State { pub fn upvalues_from_args > (args: I) -> Vec { let arg = (|s| Value::from (s)).enumerate (); let arg = Value::from_iter ( (|(i, v)| (Value::from (i), v))); let env = [ ("arg", arg), ("print", Value::RsFunc (lw_print)), ].into_iter ().map (|(k, v)| (k.to_string (), v)); vec! [ Value::from_iter (env.into_iter ()), ] } fn register_window (&self) -> &[Value] { let frame = self.stack.last ().unwrap (); &self.registers [frame.register_offset..] } /// Short form to get access to a register within our window fn reg (&self, i: u8) -> &Value { let frame = self.stack.last ().unwrap (); &self.registers [frame.register_offset + i as usize] } fn reg_mut (&mut self, i: u8) -> &mut Value { let frame = self.stack.last ().unwrap (); &mut self.registers [frame.register_offset + i as usize] } // For native functions to check how many args they got pub fn get_top (&self) -> usize { - self.stack.last ().unwrap ().register_offset } pub fn execute_chunk (&mut self, chunk: &Chunk, upvalues: &[Value]) -> Vec { let max_iters = 2000; for _ in 0..max_iters { self.step_count += 1; let frame = self.stack.last_mut ().unwrap ().clone (); let block = chunk.blocks.get (frame.block_idx).unwrap (); for bp in &self.breakpoints { if frame.block_idx == bp.block_idx && frame.program_counter == bp.program_counter { dbg! (&self); } } let mut next_pc = frame.program_counter; let pc = usize::try_from (frame.program_counter).expect ("program_counter is not a valid usize"); let instruction = match block.instructions.get (pc) { Some (x) => x, None => { dbg! (&self.stack); panic! ("program_counter went out of bounds"); } }; // let r = &mut self.registers [frame.register_offset..]; let k = &block.constants; match instruction { Instruction::Add (a, b, c) => { let v_b = self.reg (*b).as_float ().unwrap (); let v_c = self.reg (*c).as_float ().unwrap (); *self.reg_mut (*a) = Value::from (v_b + v_c); }, Instruction::Call (a, b, _c) => { let b = usize::from (*b); // Take arguments from registers [a + 1, a + b) // Call the function in register [a] // Return values in registers [a, a + c - 1) // // That is, call a with b - 1 arguments and expect c returns // // e.g. CALL 0 2 1 mean "Call 0 with 1 argument, return 1 value", like for printing a constant // Do a clone here to avoid a borow problem. // Should be fixable with more clever code. let v_a = self.reg (*a).clone (); match v_a { Value::BogusClosure (rc) => { let idx = rc.idx; let block_idx = frame.block_idx; let target_block = idx; let current_frame = self.stack.last ().unwrap (); self.stack.push (StackFrame { program_counter: 0, block_idx: target_block, register_offset: current_frame.register_offset + *a as usize + 1, }); if self.debug_print { println! ("Inst {block_idx}:{pc} calls {target_block}:0"); let stack_depth = self.stack.len (); println! ("stack_depth: {stack_depth}"); } // Skip the PC increment at the bottom of the loop continue; }, Value::RsFunc (x) => { let current_frame = self.stack.last ().unwrap (); let new_offset = current_frame.register_offset + usize::from (*a) + 1; self.stack.push (StackFrame { program_counter: 65535, // Bogus for native functions block_idx: 65535, // Bogus register_offset: new_offset, }); // No clue what the '1' is doing here = new_offset + b - 1; // Call let num_results = x (self); let popped_frame = self.stack.pop ().unwrap (); let offset = popped_frame.register_offset - 1; for i in (offset)..(offset + usize::try_from (num_results).unwrap ()) { self.registers [i] = self.registers [i + 1 + usize::from (*a)].take (); } }, _ => { let stack = &self.stack; panic! ("Cannot call value {a:?}. backtrace: {stack:?}"); }, } }, Instruction::Closure (a, b) => { let b = usize::try_from (*b).unwrap (); *self.reg_mut (*a) = Value::BogusClosure (BogusClosure { idx: b + frame.block_idx + 1, upvalues: vec! [], }.into ()); }, Instruction::EqI (a, sb, k_flag) => { if (self.reg (*a).as_int ().unwrap () == *sb as i64) != *k_flag { next_pc += 1; } }, Instruction::EqK (a, b, k_flag) => { let b = usize::from (*b); if (*self.reg (*a) == k [b]) != *k_flag { next_pc += 1; } }, Instruction::ExtraArg (ax) => { // This is used for NewTable. Maybe it's for reserving // capacity in the array or something? assert_eq! (*ax, 0, "implemented only for ax == 0"); }, Instruction::ForLoop (a, bx) => { let mut iter = self.reg (*a + 3).as_int ().unwrap (); iter += 1; *self.reg_mut (*a + 3) = iter.into (); let stop = self.reg (*a + 1).as_int ().unwrap (); if iter <= stop { next_pc -= i32::try_from (*bx).unwrap (); } }, Instruction::ForPrep (a, bx) => { let start = self.reg (*a).as_int ().unwrap (); let stop = self.reg (*a + 1).as_int ().unwrap (); if start > stop { next_pc += i32::try_from (*bx).unwrap () + 1; } *self.reg_mut (*a + 3) = start.into (); }, Instruction::GetField (a, b, c) => { let t = match self.reg (*b) { Value::Table (t) => t, _ => panic! ("R[B] must be a table"), }; let key = match &k [usize::from (*c)] { Value::String (s) => s, _ => panic! ("K[C] must be a string"), }; let val = t.borrow ().get (Value::String (Rc::clone (key))); *self.reg_mut (*a) = val; }, Instruction::GetTable (a, b, c) => { let t = match self.reg (*b) { Value::Table (t) => t, _ => panic! ("R[B] must be a table"), }; let key = self.reg (*c); let val = t.borrow ().get (key.clone ()); *self.reg_mut (*a) = val; }, Instruction::GetTabUp (a, b, c) => { let b = usize::try_from (*b).unwrap (); let c = usize::try_from (*c).unwrap (); let table = upvalues.get (b).unwrap ().as_table ().expect ("GetTabUp only works on tables").borrow (); let key = match k.get (c).unwrap () { Value::String (s) => String::from (s.as_ref()), _ => panic! ("GetTabUp only supports string keys"), }; *self.reg_mut (*a) = table.get (key); }, Instruction::GetI (a, b, c) => { let key = i64::try_from (*c).unwrap (); let value = { let table = self.reg (*b).as_table ().expect ("GetI only works on tables").borrow (); table.get (key) }; *self.reg_mut (*a) = value; }, Instruction::GetUpVal (a, b) => { let this_func = self.stack.last ().unwrap ().register_offset - 1; let upvalues = match &self.registers [this_func] { Value::BogusClosure (rc) => &rc.upvalues, _ => panic! ("Can't do GetUpVal outside a closure"), }; let b = usize::try_from (*b).unwrap (); *self.reg_mut (*a) = upvalues [b].clone (); }, Instruction::Jmp (s_j) => next_pc += s_j, Instruction::LoadF (a, sbx) => { *self.reg_mut (*a) = Value::Float (*sbx as f64); } Instruction::LoadFalse (a) => { *self.reg_mut (*a) = false.into (); }, Instruction::LoadI (a, sbx) => { *self.reg_mut (*a) = Value::Integer (*sbx as i64); }, Instruction::LoadK (a, bx) => { let bx = usize::try_from (*bx).unwrap (); *self.reg_mut (*a) = k [bx].clone (); }, Instruction::LoadNil (a) => { *self.reg_mut (*a) = Value::Nil; }, Instruction::LoadTrue (a) => { *self.reg_mut (*a) = true.into (); }, Instruction::MmBin (a, b, _c) => { let a = self.reg (*a); let b = self.reg (*b); if a.as_float().is_some() && b.as_float().is_some () { // No need for metamethods } else { panic! ("Not sure how to implememtn OP_MMBIN for these 2 values {a:?}, {b:?}"); } }, Instruction::MmBinK (_a, _b, _c, _k) => { // Ignore }, Instruction::ModK (a, b, c) => { let b = self.reg (*b).as_int().unwrap (); let c = k [usize::from (*c)].as_int ().unwrap (); *self.reg_mut (*a) = (b % c).into (); }, Instruction::Move (a, b) => { *self.reg_mut (*a) = self.reg (*b).clone (); }, Instruction::Mul (_a, _b, _c) => unimplemented!(), Instruction::NewTable (a) => { *self.reg_mut (*a) = Value::Table (Default::default ()); }, Instruction::Not (a, b) => { *self.reg_mut (*a) = Value::Boolean (! self.reg (*b).is_truthy()); } Instruction::Return (a, b, _c, k) => { let a = usize::try_from (*a).unwrap (); let b = usize::try_from (*b).unwrap (); let popped_frame = self.stack.pop ().unwrap (); // Build closure if needed if *k { let closure_idx = match &self.registers [popped_frame.register_offset + a] { Value::BogusClosure (rc) => rc.idx, _ => panic! ("Impossible"), }; let upvalue_count = chunk.blocks [closure_idx].upvalue_count; let start_reg = a + popped_frame.register_offset - upvalue_count; let upvalues = self.registers [start_reg..start_reg+upvalue_count].iter ().cloned ().collect (); self.registers [a + popped_frame.register_offset] = Value::BogusClosure (BogusClosure { idx: closure_idx, upvalues, }.into ()); } if self.debug_print { let old_block = popped_frame.block_idx; let old_pc = popped_frame.program_counter; println! ("Inst {old_block}:{old_pc} returns"); let stack_depth = self.stack.len (); println! ("stack_depth: {stack_depth}"); } if let Some (new_frame) = self.stack.last() { next_pc = new_frame.program_counter; // Shift our output registers down so the caller // can grab them // idk exactly why Lua does this // Register that our function was in before we // called it. let offset = popped_frame.register_offset - 1; for i in (offset)..(offset - 1 + b) { self.registers [i] = self.registers [i + 1 + a].take (); } } else { // Return from the entire program return self.registers [a..(a + b - 1)].to_vec(); } }, Instruction::Return0 => unimplemented! (), Instruction::Return1 (a) => { let a = usize::try_from (*a).unwrap (); let popped_frame = self.stack.pop ().unwrap (); self.registers [popped_frame.register_offset - 1] = self.register_window ()[a].clone (); let frame = self.stack.last ().unwrap (); let new_block = frame.block_idx; next_pc = frame.program_counter; if self.debug_print { let old_block = popped_frame.block_idx; let old_pc = popped_frame.program_counter; println! ("Inst {old_block}:{old_pc} returns to inst {new_block}:{next_pc}"); let stack_depth = self.stack.len (); println! ("stack_depth: {stack_depth}"); } // Shift output register down let offset = popped_frame.register_offset; self.registers [offset - 1] = self.registers [offset + a].take (); }, Instruction::SetField (a, b, c, k_flag) => { let value = if *k_flag { &k [usize::from (*c)] } else { self.reg (*c) } .clone (); let b = usize::try_from (*b).unwrap (); let key = match k.get (b).unwrap () { Value::String (s) => s.as_ref (), _ => panic! ("GetTabUp only supports string keys"), }; let mut dst = self.reg (*a).as_table () .expect ("SetField only works on tables").borrow_mut (); dst.insert (Value::from (key.as_str ()), value); }, Instruction::SetI (a, b, c, k_flag) => { let value = if *k_flag { &k [usize::from (*c)] } else { self.reg (*c) } .clone (); let mut dst = self.reg_mut (*a).as_table ().expect ("SetI only works on tables").borrow_mut (); dst.insert (i64::from (*b), value); }, Instruction::SetList (a, b, c, k) => { if *b == 0 { panic! ("SetList with b == 0 not implemented"); } if *k { panic! ("SetList with k = true not implemented"); } let mut dst = self.reg (*a).as_table ().expect ("SetList only works on tables").borrow_mut (); for i in 1..=*b { let src = self.reg (*a + i); dst.insert (Value::from (i64::from (*c + i)), src.clone ()); } }, Instruction::SetTabUp (_a, _b, _c) => unimplemented! (), Instruction::TailCall (_a, _b, _c, _k) => unimplemented! (), Instruction::Test (a, _k) => { if self.reg (*a).is_truthy() { next_pc += 1; } }, Instruction::VarArgPrep (_) => (), } next_pc += 1; { let frame = self.stack.last_mut ().unwrap (); frame.program_counter = next_pc; } } panic! ("Hit max iterations before block returned"); } }