use std::collections::BTreeMap; #[derive (Debug)] pub enum Instruction { Add (u8, u8, u8), Call (u8, u8, u8), Closure (u8, i32), // Equals Constant? EqK (u8, u8, u8), // Get Table, Upvalue GetTabUp (u8, u8, u8), // Get Immediate? GetI (u8, u8, u8), // Jump Jmp (i32), // Load Integer? LoadI (u8, i32), // Load Constant LoadK (u8, i32), // MetaMethod, Binary MmBin (u8, u8, u8), Move (u8, u8), // (A, B, _C) Return B - 1 registers starting with A Return (u8, u8, u8), VarArgPrep (i32), } #[derive (Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum Value { Nil, False, True, Float (f64), String (String), // These are all bogus, I haven't figured out how to implement // tables and function pointers yet BogusArg (Vec ), BogusEnv (BTreeMap ), BogusPrint, } impl Default for Value { fn default () -> Self { Self::Nil } } impl From for Value { fn from (x: String) -> Self { Self::String (x) } } impl From <&str> for Value { fn from (x: &str) -> Self { Self::from (String::from (x)) } } impl From for Value { fn from (x: i32) -> Self { Self::Float (f64::try_from (x).unwrap ()) } } impl From for Value { fn from (x: f64) -> Self { Self::Float (x) } } impl Value { fn as_float (&self) -> Option { match self { Self::Float (x) => Some (*x), _ => None, } } } pub struct Chunk { pub instructions: Vec , pub constants: Vec , } pub struct State { registers: Vec , // i32 makes it a little easier to implement jumps program_counter: i32, } impl Default for State { fn default () -> Self { Self { registers: vec! [Value::Nil; 256], program_counter: 0, } } } impl State { pub fn upvalues_from_args > (args: I) -> Vec { let arg = (|s| s.to_string ()).collect (); let env = BTreeMap::from_iter ([ ("arg", Value::BogusArg (arg)), ("print", Value::BogusPrint), ].map (|(k, v)| (k.to_string (), v))); vec! [ Value::BogusEnv (env), ] } pub fn execute_chunk (&mut self, chunk: &Chunk, upvalues: &[Value]) -> Vec { let max_iters = 2000; for _ in 0..max_iters { let instruction = chunk.instructions.get (usize::try_from (self.program_counter).unwrap ()).unwrap (); let r = &mut self.registers; let k = &chunk.constants; match instruction { Instruction::Add (a, b, c) => { let a = usize::try_from (*a).unwrap (); let b = usize::try_from (*b).unwrap (); let c = usize::try_from (*c).unwrap (); let v_b = r [b].as_float ().unwrap (); let v_c = r [c].as_float ().unwrap (); r [a] = (v_b + v_c).into (); }, Instruction::Call (a, b, c) => { // Take arguments from registers [a + 1, a + b) // Call the function in register [a] // Return values in registers [a, a + c - 1) // // That is, call a with b - 1 arguments and expect c returns // // e.g. CALL 0 2 1 mean "Call 0 with 1 argument, return 1 value", like for printing a constant // TODO: Only implement printing values for now let a = usize::try_from (*a).unwrap (); assert_eq! (r.get (a).unwrap (), &Value::BogusPrint); assert_eq! (*b, 2); assert_eq! (*c, 1); println! ("{:?}", r.get (a + 1).unwrap ()); }, Instruction::EqK (a, b, c_k) => { let a = usize::try_from (*a).unwrap (); let b = usize::try_from (*b).unwrap (); let equal = r [a] == k [b]; match (equal, c_k) { (true, 0) => self.program_counter += 1, (false, 1) => self.program_counter += 1, _ => (), } }, Instruction::GetTabUp (a, b, c) => { let a = usize::try_from (*a).unwrap (); let b = usize::try_from (*b).unwrap (); let c = usize::try_from (*c).unwrap (); let env = match upvalues.get (b).unwrap () { Value::BogusEnv (x) => x, _ => panic! ("Only allowed upvalue is BogusEnv"), }; let key = match k.get (c).unwrap () { Value::String (s) => s, _ => panic! ("GetTabUp only supports string keys"), }; let value = env.get (key).unwrap (); r [a] = value.clone (); }, Instruction::GetI (a, b, c) => { let a = usize::try_from (*a).unwrap (); let b = usize::try_from (*b).unwrap (); let c = usize::try_from (*c).unwrap (); let table = r.get (b).unwrap (); let value = match table { Value::BogusArg (arg) => arg.get (c).map (|x| x.as_str().into ()).unwrap_or_default(), _ => unimplemented!(), }; r [a] = value; }, Instruction::Jmp (s_j) => self.program_counter += s_j, Instruction::LoadI (a, sbx) => { let a = usize::try_from (*a).unwrap (); r [a] = (*sbx).into (); }, Instruction::LoadK (a, bx) => { let a = usize::try_from (*a).unwrap (); let bx = usize::try_from (*bx).unwrap (); r [a] = k [bx].clone (); }, Instruction::MmBin (a, b, _c) => { let a = usize::try_from (*a).unwrap (); let b = usize::try_from (*b).unwrap (); let a = &r [a]; let b = &r [b]; if a.as_float().is_some() && b.as_float().is_some () { // No need for metamethods } else { panic! ("Not sure how to implememtn OP_MMBIN for these 2 values {a:?}, {b:?}"); } }, Instruction::Move (a, b) => { let a = usize::try_from (*a).unwrap (); let b = usize::try_from (*b).unwrap (); r [a] = r [b].clone (); }, Instruction::Return (a, b, _c) => { let a = usize::try_from (*a).unwrap (); let b = usize::try_from (*b).unwrap (); return self.registers [a..(a + b - 1)].to_vec(); }, Instruction::VarArgPrep (_) => (), x => panic! ("Unimplemented instruction {x:?}"), } self.program_counter += 1; } panic! ("Hit max iterations before chunk returned"); } }