should be possible to POST to servers now

_ 2021-05-15 17:37:24 +00:00
parent af958ac43d
commit 0f7c95f79f
3 changed files with 40 additions and 78 deletions

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@ -28,9 +28,13 @@ impl TryFrom <hyper::Method> for Method {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from (x: hyper::Method) -> Result <Self, Error> {
use hyper::Method;
match x {
hyper::Method::GET => Ok (Self::Get),
hyper::Method::HEAD => Ok (Self::Head),
Method::GET => Ok (Self::Get),
Method::HEAD => Ok (Self::Head),
Method::POST => Ok (Self::Post),
Method::PUT => Ok (Self::Put),
_ => Err (Error::UnsupportedMethod),

View File

@ -129,10 +129,8 @@ async fn handle_http_request (
let user = get_user_name (&req);
let req = match http_serde::RequestParts::from_hyper (req.method, uri.clone (), req.headers) {
Ok (x) => x,
Err (_) => return Err (BadRequest),
let req = http_serde::RequestParts::from_hyper (req.method, uri.clone (), req.headers)
.map_err (|_| BadRequest)?;
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel ();
@ -597,12 +595,8 @@ async fn handle_all (
let response = match e {
Error::BadUriFormat => error_reply (StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "Bad URI format")?,
Error::CantPost => {
error! ("Can't POST {}", path);
error_reply (StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "Can't POST this")?
Error::MethodNotAllowed => error_reply (StatusCode::METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, "Method not allowed. Are you POST-ing to a GET-only url, or vice versa?")?,
Error::RoutingFailed => error_reply (StatusCode::OK, "URL routing failed")?,
Error::NotFound => error_reply (StatusCode::OK, "URL routing failed")?,
return Ok (response);
@ -628,13 +622,6 @@ async fn handle_all (
DebugEndlessSource (throttle) => handle_endless_source (1, throttle).await?,
DebugGenKey => handle_gen_scraper_key (state).await?,
DebugMysteriousError => return Err (RequestError::Mysterious),
ErrorBadUriFormat => error_reply (StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "Bad URI format")?,
ErrorCantPost => {
error! ("Can't POST {}", path);
error_reply (StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "Can't POST this")?
ErrorMethodNotAllowed => error_reply (StatusCode::METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, "Method not allowed. Are you POST-ing to a GET-only url, or vice versa?")?,
ErrorRoutingFailed => error_reply (StatusCode::OK, "URL routing failed")?,
RegisterServer => {
match handle_register_server (req, state).await {
Ok (_) => Response::builder ()

View File

@ -15,10 +15,6 @@ pub enum Route <'a> {
DebugEndlessSource (Option <usize>),
Scraper {
@ -35,44 +31,33 @@ pub enum Route <'a> {
#[derive (Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Error {
type Result <'a> = std::result::Result <Route <'a>, Error>;
pub fn route_url <'a> (method: &Method, path: &'a str) -> Result <'a> {
pub fn route_url <'a> (method: &Method, path: &'a str) -> Result <Route <'a>, Error> {
if let Some (listen_code) = path.strip_prefix ("/7ZSFUKGV/http_listen/") {
if method != Method::GET {
return Err (Error::MethodNotAllowed);
assert_method (method, Method::GET)?;
Ok (Route::ServerHttpListen {
else if let Some (request_code) = path.strip_prefix ("/7ZSFUKGV/http_response/") {
if method != Method::POST {
return Err (Error::MethodNotAllowed);
assert_method (method, Method::POST)?;
Ok (Route::ServerHttpResponse {
else if path == "/frontend/register" {
if method != Method::POST {
return Err (Error::MethodNotAllowed);
assert_method (method, Method::POST)?;
Ok (Route::RegisterServer)
else if let Some (rest) = path.strip_prefix ("/frontend/servers/") {
// DRY T4H76LB3
if rest.is_empty () {
if method != Method::GET {
return Err (Error::MethodNotAllowed);
assert_method (method, Method::GET)?;
Ok (Route::ClientServerList)
else if let Some (idx) = rest.find ('/') {
@ -84,87 +69,73 @@ pub fn route_url <'a> (method: &Method, path: &'a str) -> Result <'a> {
else {
if method != Method::GET {
return Err (Error::MethodNotAllowed);
Ok (Route::ErrorBadUriFormat)
assert_method (method, Method::GET)?;
Err (Error::BadUriFormat)
else if path == "/frontend/unregistered_servers" {
if method != Method::GET {
return Err (Error::MethodNotAllowed);
assert_method (method, Method::GET)?;
Ok (Route::ClientUnregisteredServers)
else if path == "/frontend/audit_log" {
if method != Method::GET {
return Err (Error::MethodNotAllowed);
assert_method (method, Method::GET)?;
Ok (Route::ClientAuditLog)
else if let Some (rest) = path.strip_prefix ("/frontend/debug/") {
if rest.is_empty () {
if method != Method::GET {
return Err (Error::MethodNotAllowed);
assert_method (method, Method::GET)?;
Ok (Route::Debug)
else if rest == "endless_source" {
if method != Method::GET {
return Err (Error::MethodNotAllowed);
assert_method (method, Method::GET)?;
Ok (Route::DebugEndlessSource (None))
else if rest == "endless_source_throttled" {
if method != Method::GET {
return Err (Error::MethodNotAllowed);
assert_method (method, Method::GET)?;
Ok (Route::DebugEndlessSource (Some (1024 / 64)))
else if rest == "endless_sink" {
if method != Method::POST {
return Err (Error::MethodNotAllowed);
assert_method (method, Method::POST)?;
Ok (Route::DebugEndlessSink)
else if rest == "gen_key" {
if method != Method::GET {
return Err (Error::MethodNotAllowed);
assert_method (method, Method::GET)?;
Ok (Route::DebugGenKey)
else {
Ok (Route::ErrorRoutingFailed)
Err (Error::NotFound)
else if path == "/" {
if method != Method::GET {
return Err (Error::MethodNotAllowed);
assert_method (method, Method::GET)?;
Ok (Route::Root)
else if path == "/frontend/relay_up_check" {
if method != Method::GET {
return Err (Error::MethodNotAllowed);
assert_method (method, Method::GET)?;
Ok (Route::ClientRelayIsUp)
else if path == "/frontend/test_mysterious_error" {
if method != Method::GET {
return Err (Error::MethodNotAllowed);
assert_method (method, Method::GET)?;
Ok (Route::DebugMysteriousError)
else if let Some (rest) = path.strip_prefix ("/scraper/") {
if method != Method::GET {
return Err (Error::MethodNotAllowed);
assert_method (method, Method::GET)?;
Ok (Route::Scraper {
else {
Err (Error::RoutingFailed)
Err (Error::NotFound)
fn assert_method <M: PartialEq <Method>> (method: M, expected: Method) -> Result <(), Error>
if method == expected {
Ok (())
else {
Err (Error::MethodNotAllowed)