_ 2021-07-17 06:50:54 +00:00
parent ce817eab1a
commit 1024c15fbb
3 changed files with 62 additions and 39 deletions

View File

@ -19,49 +19,59 @@ async fn main () -> anyhow::Result <()> {
} = endpoint.connect (&server_addr, "localhost")?.await?;
debug! ("Waiting for local TCP client to connect to us");
let (mut send, mut recv) = connection.open_bi ().await?;
let listener = TcpListener::bind ("").await?;
let (tcp_socket, _) = listener.accept ().await?;
let (mut local_recv, mut local_send) = tcp_socket.into_split ();
let req_buf = [2u8, 42, 0, 0];
send.write_all (&req_buf).await?;
debug! ("Connecting to end server");
let mut resp_buf = [0u8, 0, 0, 0];
recv.read_exact (&mut resp_buf).await?;
let (mut relay_send, mut relay_recv) = connection.open_bi ().await?;
debug! ("Relaying bytes...");
let uplink_task = tokio::spawn (async move {
// Uplink - local client to relay server
if false {
debug! ("Waiting for local TCP client to connect to us");
let mut buf = vec! [0u8; 65_536];
loop {
let bytes_read = (&mut buf).await?;
let buf_slice = &buf [0..bytes_read];
relay_send.write_all (buf_slice).await?;
let listener = TcpListener::bind ("").await?;
let (tcp_socket, _) = listener.accept ().await?;
let (mut local_recv, mut local_send) = tcp_socket.into_split ();
debug! ("Uplink closed");
debug! ("Connecting to end server");
Ok::<_, anyhow::Error> (())
let downlink_task = tokio::spawn (async move {
// Downlink - Relay server to local client
let (mut relay_send, mut relay_recv) = connection.open_bi ().await?;
let mut buf = vec! [0u8; 65_536];
while let Some (bytes_read) = (&mut buf).await? {
let buf_slice = &buf [0..bytes_read];
local_send.write_all (buf_slice).await?;
debug! ("Relaying bytes...");
debug! ("Downlink closed");
let uplink_task = tokio::spawn (async move {
// Uplink - local client to relay server
let mut buf = vec! [0u8; 65_536];
loop {
let bytes_read = (&mut buf).await?;
let buf_slice = &buf [0..bytes_read];
relay_send.write_all (buf_slice).await?;
debug! ("Uplink closed");
Ok::<_, anyhow::Error> (())
Ok::<_, anyhow::Error> (())
let downlink_task = tokio::spawn (async move {
// Downlink - Relay server to local client
let mut buf = vec! [0u8; 65_536];
while let Some (bytes_read) = (&mut buf).await? {
let buf_slice = &buf [0..bytes_read];
local_send.write_all (buf_slice).await?;
debug! ("Downlink closed");
Ok::<_, anyhow::Error> (())
Ok (())

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ async fn main () -> anyhow::Result <()> {
let (mut send, mut recv) = connection.open_bi ().await?;
let req_buf = [4u8, 0, 0, 0];
let req_buf = [4u8, 43, 0, 0];
send.write_all (&req_buf).await?;
let mut resp_buf = [0u8, 0, 0, 0];

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ async fn main () -> anyhow::Result <()> {
while let Some (conn) = ().await {
let relay_state = Arc::clone (&relay_state);
// Each new connection gets its own task
// Each new peer QUIC connection gets its own task
tokio::spawn (async move {
let quinn::NewConnection {
@ -31,15 +31,28 @@ async fn main () -> anyhow::Result <()> {
let mut req_buf = [0u8; 4];
recv.read_exact (&mut req_buf).await?;
match req_buf [0] {
4 => debug! ("Server-side proxy (P4) connected"),
2 => debug! ("Client-side proxy (P2) connected"),
let peer_type = req_buf [0];
let peer_id = req_buf [1];
match peer_type {
4 => debug! ("Server-side proxy (P4) connected, ID {}", peer_id),
2 => debug! ("Client-side proxy (P2) connected, ID {}", peer_id),
_ => bail! ("Unknown QUIC client type"),
let resp_buf = [20u8, 0, 0, 0];
send.write_all (&resp_buf).await?;
match peer_type {
2 => while let Some (bi_stream) = ().await {
let (mut send, mut recv) = bi_stream?;
// Each new
4 => (),
_ => bail! ("Unknown QUIC client type"),
Ok::<_, anyhow::Error> (())