♻️ refactor: extract `http_listen` fn

_ 2022-02-05 16:52:56 +00:00
parent d96bf801c6
commit 2656d16264
4 changed files with 50 additions and 54 deletions

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@ -63,9 +63,15 @@ pub enum ServerError {
#[error ("Can't build HTTP client")]
CantBuildHttpClient (reqwest::Error),
#[error ("Can't get response from server in Step 3")]
Step3Response (reqwest::Error),
#[error ("Can't collect non-200 error response body in Step 3")]
Step3CollectBody (reqwest::Error),
#[error ("Step 3 unknown error")]
#[error ("Can't collect wrapped requests in Step 3")]
CantCollectWrappedRequests (reqwest::Error),

View File

@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ use tokio::{
use tracing::instrument;
use ptth_core::{
@ -327,7 +326,7 @@ async fn stream_file (
bytes_left -= bytes_read_64;
if bytes_left == 0 {
debug! ("Finished");
// debug! ("Finished");

View File

@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ pub async fn serve_all (
let full_path = root.join (path);
debug! ("full_path = {:?}", full_path);
trace! ("full_path = {:?}", full_path);
if let Some (hidden_path) = hidden_path {
if full_path == hidden_path {

View File

@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ async fn handle_one_req (
async fn handle_requests <F, H, SH> (
state: &Arc <State>,
req_resp: reqwest::Response,
wrapped_reqs: Vec <http_serde::WrappedRequest>,
spawn_handler: &mut SH,
) -> Result <(), ServerError>
@ -163,18 +163,6 @@ SH: Send + FnMut () -> H
//println! ("Step 1");
let body = req_resp.bytes ().await.map_err (ServerError::CantCollectWrappedRequests)?;
let wrapped_reqs: Vec <http_serde::WrappedRequest> = match rmp_serde::from_read_ref (&body)
Ok (x) => x,
Err (e) => {
error! ("Can't parse wrapped requests: {:?}", e);
return Err (ServerError::CantParseWrappedRequests (e));
debug! ("Unwrapped {} requests", wrapped_reqs.len ());
for wrapped_req in wrapped_reqs {
let state = Arc::clone (&state);
let handler = spawn_handler ();
@ -387,6 +375,35 @@ impl State {
Ok (state)
async fn http_listen (
state: &Arc <Self>,
) -> Result <Vec <http_serde::WrappedRequest>, ServerError>
use http::status::StatusCode;
let req_resp = state.client.get (&format! ("{}/http_listen/{}", state.config.relay_url, state.config.name))
.timeout (Duration::from_secs (30))
.send ().await.map_err (ServerError::Step3Response)?;
if req_resp.status () == StatusCode::NO_CONTENT {
return Ok (Vec::new ());
if req_resp.status () != StatusCode::OK {
error! ("{}", req_resp.status ());
let body = req_resp.bytes ().await.map_err (ServerError::Step3CollectBody)?;
let body = String::from_utf8 (body.to_vec ()).map_err (ServerError::Step3ErrorResponseNotUtf8)?;
error! ("{}", body);
return Err (ServerError::Step3Unknown);
let body = req_resp.bytes ().await.map_err (ServerError::CantCollectWrappedRequests)?;
let wrapped_reqs: Vec <http_serde::WrappedRequest> = rmp_serde::from_read_ref (&body)
.map_err (ServerError::CantParseWrappedRequests)?;
Ok (wrapped_reqs)
pub async fn run <F, H, SH> (
state: &Arc <Self>,
shutdown_oneshot: oneshot::Receiver <()>,
@ -397,12 +414,10 @@ impl State {
H: Send + 'static + FnOnce (http_serde::RequestParts) -> F,
SH: Send + FnMut () -> H
use http::status::StatusCode;
let mut backoff_delay = 0;
let mut shutdown_oneshot = shutdown_oneshot.fuse ();
loop {
for i in 0u64.. {
// TODO: Extract loop body to function?
if backoff_delay > 0 {
@ -418,61 +433,37 @@ impl State {
debug! ("http_listen");
debug! ("http_listen {}...", i);
let req_req = state.client.get (&format! ("{}/http_listen/{}", state.config.relay_url, state.config.name))
.timeout (Duration::from_secs (30))
.send ();
let http_listen_fut = Self::http_listen (state);
let err_backoff_delay = std::cmp::min (30_000, backoff_delay * 2 + 500);
let req_req = futures::select! {
r = req_req.fuse () => r,
let http_listen = futures::select! {
r = http_listen_fut.fuse () => r,
_ = shutdown_oneshot => {
info! ("Received graceful shutdown");
let req_resp = match req_req {
let err_backoff_delay = std::cmp::min (30_000, backoff_delay * 2 + 500);
let reqs = match http_listen {
Err (e) => {
if e.is_timeout () {
error! ("Client-side timeout. Is an overly-aggressive firewall closing long-lived connections? Is the network flakey?");
else {
error! ("Err: {:?}", e);
if backoff_delay != err_backoff_delay {
error! ("Non-timeout issue, increasing backoff_delay");
backoff_delay = err_backoff_delay;
backoff_delay = err_backoff_delay;
error! ("http_listen {} error, backing off... {:?}", i, e);
Ok (x) => x,
if req_resp.status () == StatusCode::NO_CONTENT {
debug! ("http_listen long poll timed out on the server, good.");
else if req_resp.status () != StatusCode::OK {
error! ("{}", req_resp.status ());
let body = req_resp.bytes ().await.map_err (ServerError::Step3CollectBody)?;
let body = String::from_utf8 (body.to_vec ()).map_err (ServerError::Step3ErrorResponseNotUtf8)?;
error! ("{}", body);
if backoff_delay != err_backoff_delay {
error! ("Non-timeout issue, increasing backoff_delay");
backoff_delay = err_backoff_delay;
debug! ("http_listen {} unwrapped {} requests", i, reqs.len ());
// Unpack the requests, spawn them into new tasks, then loop back
// around.
if handle_requests (
).await.is_err () {
backoff_delay = err_backoff_delay;