📝 document how to run `ptth_server`

This commit also works well on Termux on Android.
_ 2021-07-11 13:12:32 +00:00
parent 116ca8418d
commit 2f2e4ef64d
4 changed files with 81 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
use std::{
path::{Path, PathBuf},
@ -10,6 +9,7 @@ use structopt::StructOpt;
use ptth_server::{
@ -51,25 +51,23 @@ pub struct ConfigFile {
fn gen_and_save_key (path: &Path) -> anyhow::Result <()> {
let api_key = ptth_core::gen_key ();
let mut f = File::create (path).with_context (|| format! ("Can't create config file `{:?}`", path))?;
#[cfg (unix)]
let mut f = File::create (path)?;
use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt;
#[cfg (unix)]
use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt;
let metadata = f.metadata ()?;
let mut permissions = metadata.permissions ();
permissions.set_mode (0o600);
f.set_permissions (permissions)?;
#[cfg (not (unix))]
tracing::warn! ("API keys aren't protected from clients on non-Unix OSes yet");
f.write_all (format! ("api_key = \"{}\"\n", api_key).as_bytes ())?;
let metadata = f.metadata ()?;
let mut permissions = metadata.permissions ();
permissions.set_mode (0o600);
f.set_permissions (permissions)?;
#[cfg (not (unix))]
tracing::warn! ("Error VR6VW5QT: API keys aren't protected from clients on non-Unix OSes yet");
f.write_all (format! ("api_key = \"{}\"\n", api_key).as_bytes ())?;
Ok (())
@ -90,16 +88,16 @@ async fn main () -> Result <(), anyhow::Error> {
load_toml::load (&path)?
else {
panic! ("API key not provided in config file and auto-gen-key not provided");
bail! ("API key not provided in config file and auto-gen-key not provided");
Ok (x) => x,
Err (e) => return Err (e.into ()),
let config_file = ptth_server::ConfigFile {
name: opt.name.or (config_file.name).expect ("`name` must be provided in command line or config file"),
name: opt.name.or (config_file.name).ok_or (anyhow::anyhow! ("`name` must be provided in command line or config file"))?,
api_key: config_file.api_key,
relay_url: opt.relay_url.or (config_file.relay_url).expect ("`relay_url` must be provided in command line or config file"),
relay_url: opt.relay_url.or (config_file.relay_url).ok_or (anyhow::anyhow! ("`--relay-url` must be provided in command line or `relay_url` in config file"))?,
file_server_root: opt.file_server_root.or (config_file.file_server_root),
throttle_upload: opt.throttle_upload,

View File

@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ pub mod file_server;
/// and checking permissions (On Unix)
pub mod load_toml;
pub mod prelude;
use errors::ServerError;
pub struct State {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
pub use std::{
pub use anyhow::{

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# How-to: Run `ptth_server`
Note: On Termux for Android you might run `umask 0022` first. Otherwise
`ptth_server` might accidentally make files world-unreadable when it opens
them, and PTTH refuses to serve world-unreadable files. 0022 is the default
on desktops, so this is probably an Android security thing. PTTH uses the
same permissions to protect its config file, so the two interfere.
## Without writing your own config file
(Ideal if you're running `ptth_server` autonomously from a script or something)
ptth_server \
--auto-gen-key \
--config-path ptth_server.toml \
--relay_url https://example.com/7ZSFUKGV \
--name my_server_name
ptth_server will:
- Try to use the API key from `ptth_server.toml`
- If that config file doesn't exist, create it, mark it as not readable to other
Unix users, and fill it with a random key
- Attempt to contact the `ptth_relay` instance with the base URL `https://example.com/7ZSFUKGV`
- Identify itself to that relay with the name `my_server_name` and the
random key
## With your own config file
(Ideal for long-lived instances)
mkdir config
touch config/ptth_server.toml
chmod 600 config/ptth_server.toml
dd if=/dev/urandom bs=64 count=1 | base64 >> config/ptth_server.toml
Open `config/ptth_server.toml` in your text editor.
There will be 64 bytes of random Base64 in the file already. Use that for the
`api_key` field. Fill out the other fields as desired:
name = "my_server_name"
relay_url = "https://example.com/7ZSFUKGV"
file_server_root = "/home/user/public"
api_key =
Then run `ptth_server` with no arguments.