ptth_relay: update tokio, trying to find this bug

_ 2021-03-16 14:50:52 +00:00
parent 62821c546b
commit 3302411daa
3 changed files with 4 additions and 4 deletions

Cargo.lock generated
View File

@ -2379,9 +2379,9 @@ checksum = "cda74da7e1a664f795bb1f8a87ec406fb89a02522cf6e50620d016add6dbbf5c"
name = "tokio"
version = "1.2.0"
version = "1.3.0"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "e8190d04c665ea9e6b6a0dc45523ade572c088d2e6566244c1122671dbf4ae3a"
checksum = "8d56477f6ed99e10225f38f9f75f872f29b8b8bd8c0b946f63345bb144e9eeda"
dependencies = [
"autocfg 1.0.1",

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ rmp-serde = "0.14.4"
serde = { version = "1.0.117", features = ["derive"] }
serde_json = "1.0.60"
thiserror = "1.0.22"
tokio = { version = "1.2.0", features = [] }
tokio = { version = "1.3.0", features = [] }
tokio-stream = "0.1.3"
toml = "0.5.7"
tracing = "0.1.25"

View File

@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ pub async fn handle_listen (
Ok (Err (ShuttingDownError::ShuttingDown)) => Ok (error_reply (StatusCode::SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Server is shutting down, try again soon")?),
Err (e) => {
error! ("{}", e);
error! ("{} {}", watcher_code, e);
Ok (error_reply (StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Server error")?)