🚧 wip: working on the Insecure Chat peer

_ 2022-10-18 04:22:34 +00:00
parent 7b4eeea12c
commit 5843432bfe
4 changed files with 202 additions and 2 deletions

Cargo.lock generated
View File

@ -725,6 +725,7 @@ dependencies = [
"nix 0.25.0",

View File

@ -10,5 +10,6 @@ hyper = { version = "0.14.20", features = ["http1", "server", "tcp"] }
mac_address = "1.1.4"
nix = "0.25.0"
ptth_diceware = { path = "../ptth_diceware" }
rand = "0.8.5"
thiserror = "1.0.37"
tokio = { version = "1.21.2", features = ["net", "rt-multi-thread", "fs"] }

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ use std::{
use hyper::{
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ use tokio::{
mod ip;
mod tlv;
fn main () -> Result <(), Error>
@ -122,6 +124,10 @@ impl Default for Params {
async fn peer (params: Params) -> Result <(), Error>
use rand::Rng;
let mut id = [0];
rand::thread_rng ().try_fill (&mut id).or (Err (Error::Rand))?;
let (multicast_addr, multicast_port) = params.multicast_group;
let socket = tokio::net::UdpSocket::bind (SocketAddrV4::new (Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED, multicast_port)).await?;
@ -130,6 +136,7 @@ async fn peer (params: Params) -> Result <(), Error>
eprintln! ("Local addr is {}", socket.local_addr ()?);
let peer = Peer {
id: id [0],
outbox: Outbox {
index: 1000,
messages: Default::default (),
@ -138,10 +145,54 @@ async fn peer (params: Params) -> Result <(), Error>
eprintln! ("Random peer ID is {}", peer.id);
let state = Arc::new (peer);
let state = Arc::clone (&state);
tokio::spawn (async move {
let mut interval = tokio::time::interval (Duration::from_secs (25));
interval.set_missed_tick_behavior (tokio::time::MissedTickBehavior::Skip);
loop {
interval.tick ().await;
state.send_multicast (&tlv::Message::IAmOnline { peer_id: state.id }).await.ok ();
let state = Arc::clone (&state);
tokio::spawn (async move {
loop {
let mut buf = vec! [0u8; 2048];
let (bytes_recved, addr) = match state.socket.recv_from (&mut buf).await
Err (_) => {
tokio::time::sleep (Duration::from_secs (10)).await;
Ok (x) => x,
let buf = &buf [0..bytes_recved];
let msg = match tlv::decode (buf) {
Err (_) => {
eprintln! ("ZAT4ERXR Couldn't decode message");
Ok (x) => x,
println! ("Received {:?}", msg);
let make_svc = make_service_fn (|_conn| {
let state = state.clone ();
let state = Arc::clone (&state);
async {
Ok::<_, String> (service_fn (move |req| {
@ -163,11 +214,21 @@ async fn peer (params: Params) -> Result <(), Error>
struct Peer {
id: u32,
outbox: RwLock <Outbox>,
params: Params,
socket: UdpSocket,
impl Peer {
async fn send_multicast (&self, msg: &tlv::Message) -> Result <(), Error>
let msg = tlv::encode (&msg)?;
self.socket.send_to (&msg, self.params.multicast_group).await?;
Ok (())
struct Outbox {
index: u32,
messages: VecDeque <SentMessage>,
@ -207,7 +268,18 @@ async fn peer_handle_all (req: Request <Body>, state: Arc <Peer>)
outbox.index += 1;
state.socket.send_to (&body, state.params.multicast_group).await?;
match state.send_multicast (&tlv::Message::IHaveMessage {
peer_id: state.id,
}).await {
Ok (_) => (),
Err (_) => return Ok (
Response::builder ()
.status (StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST)
.body (Body::from ("Can't encode message"))?
return Ok (Response::new (format! ("Pasted message {}\n", msg_index).into ()));
@ -296,4 +368,8 @@ enum Error {
Io (#[from] std::io::Error),
#[error (transparent)]
Ip (#[from] ip::Error),
#[error ("Randomness")]
#[error (transparent)]
Tlv (#[from] tlv::Error),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
// A crummy ad-hoc TLV cause I'm lazy and these are fun
#[derive (Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Message {
IAmOnline {
peer_id: u32,
IHaveMessage {
peer_id: u32,
msg_index: u32,
body: Vec <u8>,
IAcknowledgeYourMessage {
msg_index: u32,
#[derive (Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Error {
#[error ("Bad magic number")]
#[error ("Data is too big to encode / decode")]
#[error ("Required field missing while decoding")]
#[error ("No type in TLV")]
#[error ("Unrecognized TLV type")]
const MAGIC: [u8; 4] = [55, 11, 101, 38];
pub fn decode (src: &[u8]) -> Result <Message, Error>
let (magic, src) = take_bytes (src, 4).ok_or (Error::BadMagic)?;
if magic != MAGIC {
return Err (Error::BadMagic);
let (msg_type, src) = take_bytes(src, 1).ok_or(Error::NoType)?;
Ok (match msg_type [0] {
1 => {
let (peer_id, src) = take_u32 (src).ok_or (Error::MissingField)?;
Message::IAmOnline { peer_id, }
2 => {
let (peer_id, src) = take_u32 (src).ok_or (Error::MissingField)?;
let (msg_index, src) = take_u32 (src).ok_or (Error::MissingField)?;
let (body_len, src) = take_u32 (src).ok_or (Error::MissingField)?;
let (body_bytes, src) = take_bytes(src, body_len as usize).ok_or(Error::MissingField)?;
let body = body_bytes.into ();
Message::IHaveMessage { peer_id, msg_index, body, }
3 => {
let (msg_index, src) = take_u32 (src).ok_or (Error::MissingField)?;
Message::IAcknowledgeYourMessage { msg_index, }
_ => return Err (Error::UnrecognizedType),
fn take_u32 (src: &[u8]) -> Option <(u32, &[u8])>
let (a, b) = take_bytes (src, 4)?;
Some ((u32::from_le_bytes([a [0], a [1], a [2], a [3]]), b))
fn take_bytes (src: &[u8], n: usize) -> Option <(&[u8], &[u8])>
if src.len () < n {
return None;
Some (src.split_at (n))
pub fn encode (msg: &Message) -> Result <Vec <u8>, Error>
let mut buf = Vec::from (MAGIC);
match msg {
Message::IAmOnline { peer_id } => {
buf.push (1);
buf.extend_from_slice (&peer_id.to_le_bytes());
Message::IHaveMessage { peer_id, msg_index, body } => {
buf.push (2);
buf.extend_from_slice (&peer_id.to_le_bytes());
buf.extend_from_slice (&msg_index.to_le_bytes());
let body_len = u32::try_from (body.len ()).or (Err (Error::DataTooBig))?;
buf.extend_from_slice (&body_len.to_le_bytes());
Message::IAcknowledgeYourMessage { msg_index } => {
buf.push (3);
buf.extend_from_slice (&msg_index.to_le_bytes());
Ok (buf)
#[cfg (test)]
mod test {
use super::*;
fn roundtrip () {
for msg in [
Message::IAmOnline { peer_id: 93 },
Message::IHaveMessage { peer_id: 93, msg_index: 1000, body: Vec::from (b":V".as_slice()) },
Message::IAcknowledgeYourMessage { msg_index: 1000 },
] {
let encoded = encode (&msg).unwrap ();
let roundtripped = decode (&encoded).unwrap ();
assert_eq!(roundtripped, msg);