♻️ refactor: extract routing module

_ 2021-04-10 09:38:53 -05:00
parent 6a84d2dbd5
commit 6b71b32cf5
3 changed files with 67 additions and 96 deletions

View File

@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ async fn handle_http_request (
req: http::request::Parts,
uri: String,
state: Arc <RelayState>,
server_name: String
server_name: &str
-> Result <Response <Body>, http::Error>
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ async fn handle_http_request (
let config = state.config.read ().await;
if ! config.servers.contains_key (&server_name) {
if ! config.servers.contains_key (server_name) {
return error_reply (StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, "Unknown server");
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ async fn handle_http_request (
state.audit_log.push (AuditEvent::new (AuditData::WebClientGet {
req_id: req_id.clone (),
server_name: server_name.clone (),
server_name: server_name.to_string (),
trace! ("Created request {}", req_id);
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ async fn handle_http_request (
let new_rendezvous = match request_rendezvous.remove (&server_name) {
let new_rendezvous = match request_rendezvous.remove (server_name) {
Some (ParkedClients (mut v)) => {
debug! ("Parking request {} ({} already queued)", req_id, v.len ());
v.push (wrapped);
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ async fn handle_http_request (
request_rendezvous.insert (server_name, new_rendezvous);
request_rendezvous.insert (server_name.to_string (), new_rendezvous);
let timeout = tokio::time::sleep (std::time::Duration::from_secs (30));
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ async fn handle_endless_source (gib: usize, throttle: Option <usize>)
.body (Body::wrap_stream (ReceiverStream::new (rx)))
async fn handle_gen_scraper_key (state: Arc <RelayState>)
async fn handle_gen_scraper_key (_state: Arc <RelayState>)
-> Result <Response <Body>, http::Error>
let key = ptth_core::gen_key ();
@ -491,97 +491,68 @@ async fn handle_all (
-> Result <Response <Body>, RequestError>
let path = req.uri ().path ().to_string ();
//println! ("{}", path);
use routing::Route::*;
// The path is cloned here, so it's okay to consume the request
// later.
let path = req.uri ().path ().to_string ();
trace! ("Request path: {}", path);
if req.method () == Method::POST {
// This is stuff the server can use. Clients can't
// POST right now
return if let Some (request_code) = prefix_match ("/7ZSFUKGV/http_response/", &path) {
let request_code = request_code.into ();
Ok (server_endpoint::handle_response (req, state, request_code).await?)
else if path == "/frontend/debug/endless_sink" {
Ok (handle_endless_sink (req).await?)
else {
error! ("Can't POST {}", path);
Ok (error_reply (StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "Can't POST this")?)
if let Some (listen_code) = prefix_match ("/7ZSFUKGV/http_listen/", &path) {
let api_key = req.headers ().get ("X-ApiKey");
let api_key = match api_key {
None => return Ok (error_reply (StatusCode::FORBIDDEN, "Can't run server without an API key")?),
Some (x) => x,
server_endpoint::handle_listen (state, listen_code.into (), api_key.as_bytes ()).await
else if let Some (rest) = prefix_match ("/frontend/servers/", &path) {
// DRY T4H76LB3
if rest.is_empty () {
Ok (handle_server_list (state, handlebars).await?)
else if let Some (idx) = rest.find ('/') {
let listen_code = String::from (&rest [0..idx]);
let path = String::from (&rest [idx..]);
let route = routing::route_url (req.method (), &path);
let response = match route {
ClientAuditLog => handle_audit_log (state, handlebars).await?,
ClientRelayIsUp => error_reply (StatusCode::OK, "Relay is up")?,
ClientServerGet {
} => {
let (parts, _) = req.into_parts ();
Ok (handle_http_request (parts, path, state, listen_code).await?)
else {
Ok (error_reply (StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "Bad URI format")?)
else if path == "/frontend/unregistered_servers" {
Ok (handle_unregistered_servers (state, handlebars).await?)
else if path == "/frontend/audit_log" {
Ok (handle_audit_log (state, handlebars).await?)
else if let Some (rest) = prefix_match ("/frontend/debug/", &path) {
if rest.is_empty () {
handle_http_request (parts, path.to_string (), state, listen_code).await?
ClientServerList => handle_server_list (state, handlebars).await?,
ClientUnregisteredServers => handle_unregistered_servers (state, handlebars).await?,
Debug => {
let s = handlebars.render ("debug", &())?;
Ok (ok_reply (s)?)
else if rest == "endless_source" {
Ok (handle_endless_source (1, None).await?)
else if rest == "endless_source_throttled" {
Ok (handle_endless_source (1, Some (1024 / 64)).await?)
else if rest == "endless_sink" {
Ok (error_reply (StatusCode::METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, "Don't GET this URL, POST to it.")?)
else if rest == "gen_key" {
Ok (handle_gen_scraper_key (state).await?)
else {
Ok (error_reply (StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, "Can't route URL")?)
else if path == "/" {
let s = handlebars.render ("root", &())?;
Ok (ok_reply (s)?)
else if path == "/frontend/relay_up_check" {
Ok (error_reply (StatusCode::OK, "Relay is up")?)
else if path == "/frontend/test_mysterious_error" {
Err (RequestError::Mysterious)
else if let Some (rest) = prefix_match ("/scraper/", &path) {
scraper_api::handle (req, state, rest).await
else {
Ok (error_reply (StatusCode::OK, "Can't route URL")?)
ok_reply (s)?
DebugEndlessSink => handle_endless_sink (req).await?,
DebugEndlessSource (throttle) => handle_endless_source (1, throttle).await?,
DebugGenKey => handle_gen_scraper_key (state).await?,
DebugMysteriousError => return Err (RequestError::Mysterious),
ErrorBadUriFormat => error_reply (StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "Bad URI format")?,
ErrorCantPost => {
error! ("Can't POST {}", path);
error_reply (StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "Can't POST this")?
ErrorMethodNotAllowed => error_reply (StatusCode::METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, "Method not allowed. Are you POST-ing to a GET-only url, or vice versa?")?,
ErrorRoutingFailed => error_reply (StatusCode::OK, "URL routing failed")?,
Root => {
let s = handlebars.render ("root", &())?;
ok_reply (s)?
Scraper {
} => scraper_api::handle (req, state, rest).await?,
ServerHttpListen {
} => {
let api_key = req.headers ().get ("X-ApiKey");
let api_key = match api_key {
None => return Ok (error_reply (StatusCode::FORBIDDEN, "Can't run server without an API key")?),
Some (x) => x,
server_endpoint::handle_listen (state, listen_code.into (), api_key.as_bytes ()).await?
ServerHttpResponse {
} => {
let request_code = request_code.into ();
server_endpoint::handle_response (req, state, request_code).await?
Ok (response)
pub fn load_templates (asset_root: &Path)

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ pub enum Route <'a> {
DebugEndlessSource (Option <u64>),
DebugEndlessSource (Option <usize>),
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ pub enum Route <'a> {
pub fn route_url (method: Method, path: &str) -> Route {
pub fn route_url <'a> (method: &Method, path: &'a str) -> Route <'a> {
if method == Method::POST {
return if let Some (request_code) = path.strip_prefix ("/7ZSFUKGV/http_response/") {
Route::ServerHttpResponse {
@ -124,14 +124,14 @@ mod tests {
for (input, expected) in vec! [
("/", Route::Root),
].into_iter () {
let actual = route_url (Method::GET, input);
let actual = route_url (&Method::GET, input);
assert_eq! (actual, expected);
for (input, expected) in vec! [
("/", Route::ErrorCantPost),
].into_iter () {
let actual = route_url (Method::POST, input);
let actual = route_url (&Method::POST, input);
assert_eq! (actual, expected);

View File

@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ async fn api_v1 (
// This is ugly. I don't like having scraper_api know about the
// crate root.
Ok (crate::handle_http_request (parts, path, state, listen_code).await?)
Ok (crate::handle_http_request (parts, path, state, &listen_code).await?)
else {
Ok (error_reply (StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "Bad URI format")?)