🚨 cargo check pass

_ 2023-08-31 19:15:04 -05:00
parent 25a8a035b9
commit 843fddb568
14 changed files with 9 additions and 761 deletions

Cargo.lock generated
View File

@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ version = "3.2.4"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "1631ca6e3c59112501a9d87fd86f21591ff77acd31331e8a73f8d80a65bbdd71"
dependencies = [
"nix 0.26.1",
"windows-sys 0.42.0",
@ -774,19 +774,6 @@ dependencies = [
name = "insecure_chat"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
"nix 0.25.1",
name = "instant"
version = "0.1.12"
@ -866,16 +853,6 @@ dependencies = [
name = "mac_address"
version = "1.1.4"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "b238e3235c8382b7653c6408ed1b08dd379bdb9fdf990fb0bbae3db2cc0ae963"
dependencies = [
"nix 0.23.2",
name = "maplit"
version = "1.0.2"
@ -897,15 +874,6 @@ version = "2.5.0"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "2dffe52ecf27772e601905b7522cb4ef790d2cc203488bbd0e2fe85fcb74566d"
name = "memoffset"
version = "0.6.5"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "5aa361d4faea93603064a027415f07bd8e1d5c88c9fbf68bf56a285428fd79ce"
dependencies = [
name = "metrics_test"
version = "0.1.0"
@ -950,33 +918,6 @@ dependencies = [
name = "nix"
version = "0.23.2"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "8f3790c00a0150112de0f4cd161e3d7fc4b2d8a5542ffc35f099a2562aecb35c"
dependencies = [
name = "nix"
version = "0.25.1"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "f346ff70e7dbfd675fe90590b92d59ef2de15a8779ae305ebcbfd3f0caf59be4"
dependencies = [
name = "nix"
version = "0.26.1"

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
name = "insecure_chat"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html
hyper = { version = "0.14.20", features = ["http1", "server", "tcp"] }
mac_address = "1.1.4"
nix = "0.25.0"
ptth_diceware = { path = "../ptth_diceware" }
rand = "0.8.5"
thiserror = "1.0.37"
tokio = { version = "1.21.2", features = ["net", "rt-multi-thread", "fs"] }

View File

@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
// IP address module
// Copied from the `lookaround` project
use std::{
#[derive (Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Error {
#[error (transparent)]
Io (#[from] std::io::Error),
#[error (transparent)]
FromUtf8 (#[from] std::string::FromUtf8Error),
#[error ("Self-IP detection is not implemented on Mac OS")]
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
pub fn get_ips () -> Result <Vec <Ipv4Addr>, Error> {
let output = linux::get_ip_addr_output ()?;
Ok (linux::parse_ip_addr_output (&output))
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
pub fn get_ips () -> Result <Vec <Ipv4Addr>, Error> {
Err (Error::NotImplementedOnMac)
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
pub fn get_ips () -> Result <Vec <Ipv4Addr>, Error> {
let output = windows::get_ip_config_output ()?;
Ok (windows::parse_ip_config_output (&output))
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
pub mod linux {
use super::*;
pub fn get_ip_addr_output () -> Result <String, Error> {
let output = Command::new ("ip")
.arg ("addr")
.output ()?;
let output = output.stdout.as_slice ();
let output = String::from_utf8 (output.to_vec ())?;
Ok (output)
pub fn parse_ip_addr_output (output: &str) -> Vec <Ipv4Addr> {
// I wrote this in FP style because I was bored.
output.lines ()
.map (|l| l.trim_start ())
.filter_map (|l| l.strip_prefix ("inet "))
.filter_map (|l| l.find ('/').map (|x| &l [0..x]))
.filter_map (|l| Ipv4Addr::from_str (l).ok ())
.filter (|a| ! a.is_loopback ())
.collect ()
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
pub mod windows {
use super::*;
pub fn get_ip_config_output () -> Result <String, Error> {
let output = Command::new ("ipconfig")
.output ()?;
let output = output.stdout.as_slice ();
let output = String::from_utf8 (output.to_vec ())?;
Ok (output)
pub fn parse_ip_config_output (output: &str) -> Vec <Ipv4Addr> {
let mut addrs = vec! [];
for line in output.lines () {
let line = line.trim_start ();
// Maybe only works on English locales?
if ! line.starts_with ("IPv4 Address") {
let colon_pos = match line.find (':') {
None => continue,
Some (x) => x,
let line = &line [colon_pos + 2..];
let addr = match Ipv4Addr::from_str (line) {
Err (_) => continue,
Ok (x) => x,
addrs.push (addr);
#[cfg (test)]
mod test {
use super::*;
fn test () {
for (input, expected) in [
IPv4 Address . . .. . . . :
vec! [
Ipv4Addr::new (192, 168, 1, 1),
] {
let actual = parse_ip_config_output (input);
assert_eq! (actual, expected);

View File

@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
use std::{
use hyper::{
use tokio::{
mod ip;
mod tlv;
fn main () -> Result <(), Error>
let mut args = std::env::args ();
let mut bail_unknown = true;
let mut last_unknown = None;
let mut name = ptth_diceware::passphrase ("_", 3);
let mut subcommand_count = 0;
let mut subcommand = None;
args.next ();
while let Some (arg) = args.next () {
if arg == "--ignore-unknown" {
bail_unknown = false;
if arg == "--name" {
name = args.next ().unwrap ().to_string ();
else if arg == "peer" {
subcommand = Some (Subcommand::Peer);
subcommand_count += 1;
else if arg == "receiver" {
subcommand = Some (Subcommand::Receiver);
subcommand_count += 1;
else if arg == "sender" {
subcommand = Some (Subcommand::Sender);
subcommand_count += 1;
else if arg == "spy" {
subcommand = Some (Subcommand::Spy);
subcommand_count += 1;
else {
last_unknown = Some (arg);
if bail_unknown {
if let Some (last_unknown) = last_unknown {
eprintln! ("Unknown argument `{}`", last_unknown);
return Err (Error::Args);
if subcommand_count >= 2 {
eprintln! ("Detected {} subcommands in arguments", subcommand_count);
return Err (Error::Args)
let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new ()?;
let params = Params::default ();
rt.block_on (async {
if let Some (cmd) = subcommand {
return match cmd {
Subcommand::Peer => peer (params).await,
Subcommand::Receiver => receiver (params).await,
Subcommand::Sender => sender (params).await,
Subcommand::Spy => spy (params),
println! ("Name is `{}`", name);
Ok::<_, Error> (())
Ok (())
enum Subcommand {
struct Params {
multicast_group: (Ipv4Addr, u16),
impl Default for Params {
fn default () -> Self {
let multicast_group = (Ipv4Addr::new (225, 100, 99, 98), 9041);
Self {
async fn peer (params: Params) -> Result <(), Error>
use rand::Rng;
let mut id = [0];
rand::thread_rng ().try_fill (&mut id).or (Err (Error::Rand))?;
let (multicast_addr, multicast_port) = params.multicast_group;
let socket = tokio::net::UdpSocket::bind (SocketAddrV4::new (Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED, multicast_port)).await?;
socket.join_multicast_v4 (multicast_addr, Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED)?;
eprintln! ("Multicast group is {:?}", params.multicast_group);
eprintln! ("Local addr is {}", socket.local_addr ()?);
let peer = Peer {
id: id [0],
outbox: Outbox {
index: 1000,
messages: Default::default (),
}.into (),
eprintln! ("Random peer ID is {}", peer.id);
let state = Arc::new (peer);
let state = Arc::clone (&state);
tokio::spawn (async move {
let mut interval = tokio::time::interval (Duration::from_secs (25));
interval.set_missed_tick_behavior (tokio::time::MissedTickBehavior::Skip);
loop {
interval.tick ().await;
state.send_multicast (&tlv::Message::IAmOnline { peer_id: state.id }).await.ok ();
let state = Arc::clone (&state);
tokio::spawn (async move {
loop {
let mut buf = vec! [0u8; 2048];
let (bytes_recved, addr) = match state.socket.recv_from (&mut buf).await
Err (_) => {
tokio::time::sleep (Duration::from_secs (10)).await;
Ok (x) => x,
let buf = &buf [0..bytes_recved];
let msg = match tlv::decode (buf) {
Err (_) => {
eprintln! ("ZAT4ERXR Couldn't decode message");
Ok (x) => x,
println! ("Received {:?}", msg);
let make_svc = make_service_fn (|_conn| {
let state = Arc::clone (&state);
async {
Ok::<_, String> (service_fn (move |req| {
let state = state.clone ();
peer_handle_all (req, state)
let addr = std::net::SocketAddr::from (([127, 0, 0, 1], multicast_port));
let server = Server::bind (&addr)
.serve (make_svc);
eprintln! ("Local UI on {}", addr);
Ok (())
struct Peer {
id: u32,
outbox: RwLock <Outbox>,
params: Params,
socket: UdpSocket,
impl Peer {
async fn send_multicast (&self, msg: &tlv::Message) -> Result <(), Error>
let msg = tlv::encode (&msg)?;
self.socket.send_to (&msg, self.params.multicast_group).await?;
Ok (())
struct Outbox {
index: u32,
messages: VecDeque <SentMessage>,
struct SentMessage {
index: u32,
body: Vec <u8>,
async fn peer_handle_all (req: Request <Body>, state: Arc <Peer>)
-> Result <Response <Body>, Error>
if req.method () == Method::POST {
if req.uri () == "/paste" {
let body = hyper::body::to_bytes (req.into_body ()).await?;
if body.len () > 1024 {
let resp = Response::builder ()
.status (StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST)
.body (Body::from ("Message body must be <= 1024 bytes"))?;
return Ok (resp);
let body = body.to_vec ();
let msg_index;
let mut outbox = state.outbox.write ().await;
let msg = SentMessage {
index: outbox.index,
body: body.clone (),
msg_index = msg.index;
outbox.messages.push_back (msg);
if outbox.messages.len () > 10 {
outbox.messages.pop_front ();
outbox.index += 1;
match state.send_multicast (&tlv::Message::IHaveMessage {
peer_id: state.id,
}).await {
Ok (_) => (),
Err (_) => return Ok (
Response::builder ()
.status (StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST)
.body (Body::from ("Can't encode message"))?
return Ok (Response::new (format! ("Pasted message {}\n", msg_index).into ()));
Ok (Response::new (":V\n".into ()))
async fn receiver (params: Params) -> Result <(), Error>
let (multicast_addr, multicast_port) = params.multicast_group;
let socket = tokio::net::UdpSocket::bind (SocketAddrV4::new (Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED, multicast_port)).await?;
socket.join_multicast_v4 (multicast_addr, Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED)?;
eprintln! ("Multicast group is {:?}", params.multicast_group);
eprintln! ("Local addr is {}", socket.local_addr ()?);
loop {
let mut buf = vec! [0u8; 2048];
let (bytes_recved, remote_addr) = socket.recv_from (&mut buf).await?;
buf.truncate (bytes_recved);
println! ("Received {} bytes from {}", bytes_recved, remote_addr);
async fn sender (params: Params) -> Result <(), Error>
let (multicast_addr, multicast_port) = params.multicast_group;
let socket = tokio::net::UdpSocket::bind (SocketAddrV4::new (Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED, 0)).await?;
socket.join_multicast_v4 (multicast_addr, Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED)?;
eprintln! ("Multicast group is {:?}", params.multicast_group);
eprintln! ("Local addr is {}", socket.local_addr ()?);
socket.send_to (&[], params.multicast_group).await?;
Ok (())
fn spy (params: Params) -> Result <(), Error>
let (multicast_addr, multicast_port) = params.multicast_group;
let socket = match std::net::UdpSocket::bind (SocketAddrV4::new (Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED, multicast_port)) {
Ok (x) => x,
Err (e) => if e.kind () == std::io::ErrorKind::AddrInUse {
eprintln! ("Address in use. You can only run 1 instance of Insecure Chat at a time, even in spy mode.");
return Err (Error::AddrInUse);
else {
return Err (e.into ());
for bind_addr in ip::get_ips ()? {
socket.join_multicast_v4 (&multicast_addr, &bind_addr)?;
// eprintln! ("Joined multicast with {}", bind_addr);
eprintln! ("Multicast addr is {}", multicast_addr);
eprintln! ("Local addr is {}", socket.local_addr ()?);
loop {
let mut buf = vec! [0u8; 2048];
eprintln! ("Listening for UDP packets...");
let (bytes_recved, remote_addr) = socket.recv_from (&mut buf)?;
buf.truncate (bytes_recved);
println! ("Received {} bytes from {}", bytes_recved, remote_addr);
#[derive (Debug, thiserror::Error)]
enum Error {
#[error ("Address in use")]
#[error ("CLI args")]
#[error (transparent)]
Hyper (#[from] hyper::Error),
#[error (transparent)]
HyperHttp (#[from] hyper::http::Error),
#[error (transparent)]
Io (#[from] std::io::Error),
#[error (transparent)]
Ip (#[from] ip::Error),
#[error ("Randomness")]
#[error (transparent)]
Tlv (#[from] tlv::Error),

View File

@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
// A crummy ad-hoc TLV cause I'm lazy and these are fun
#[derive (Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Message {
IAmOnline {
peer_id: u32,
IHaveMessage {
peer_id: u32,
msg_index: u32,
body: Vec <u8>,
IAcknowledgeYourMessage {
msg_index: u32,
#[derive (Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Error {
#[error ("Bad magic number")]
#[error ("Data is too big to encode / decode")]
#[error ("Required field missing while decoding")]
#[error ("No type in TLV")]
#[error ("Unrecognized TLV type")]
const MAGIC: [u8; 4] = [55, 11, 101, 38];
pub fn decode (src: &[u8]) -> Result <Message, Error>
let (magic, src) = take_bytes (src, 4).ok_or (Error::BadMagic)?;
if magic != MAGIC {
return Err (Error::BadMagic);
let (msg_type, src) = take_bytes(src, 1).ok_or(Error::NoType)?;
Ok (match msg_type [0] {
1 => {
let (peer_id, src) = take_u32 (src).ok_or (Error::MissingField)?;
Message::IAmOnline { peer_id, }
2 => {
let (peer_id, src) = take_u32 (src).ok_or (Error::MissingField)?;
let (msg_index, src) = take_u32 (src).ok_or (Error::MissingField)?;
let (body_len, src) = take_u32 (src).ok_or (Error::MissingField)?;
let (body_bytes, src) = take_bytes(src, body_len as usize).ok_or(Error::MissingField)?;
let body = body_bytes.into ();
Message::IHaveMessage { peer_id, msg_index, body, }
3 => {
let (msg_index, src) = take_u32 (src).ok_or (Error::MissingField)?;
Message::IAcknowledgeYourMessage { msg_index, }
_ => return Err (Error::UnrecognizedType),
fn take_u32 (src: &[u8]) -> Option <(u32, &[u8])>
let (a, b) = take_bytes (src, 4)?;
Some ((u32::from_le_bytes([a [0], a [1], a [2], a [3]]), b))
fn take_bytes (src: &[u8], n: usize) -> Option <(&[u8], &[u8])>
if src.len () < n {
return None;
Some (src.split_at (n))
pub fn encode (msg: &Message) -> Result <Vec <u8>, Error>
let mut buf = Vec::from (MAGIC);
match msg {
Message::IAmOnline { peer_id } => {
buf.push (1);
buf.extend_from_slice (&peer_id.to_le_bytes());
Message::IHaveMessage { peer_id, msg_index, body } => {
buf.push (2);
buf.extend_from_slice (&peer_id.to_le_bytes());
buf.extend_from_slice (&msg_index.to_le_bytes());
let body_len = u32::try_from (body.len ()).or (Err (Error::DataTooBig))?;
buf.extend_from_slice (&body_len.to_le_bytes());
Message::IAcknowledgeYourMessage { msg_index } => {
buf.push (3);
buf.extend_from_slice (&msg_index.to_le_bytes());
Ok (buf)
#[cfg (test)]
mod test {
use super::*;
fn roundtrip () {
for msg in [
Message::IAmOnline { peer_id: 93 },
Message::IHaveMessage { peer_id: 93, msg_index: 1000, body: Vec::from (b":V".as_slice()) },
Message::IAcknowledgeYourMessage { msg_index: 1000 },
] {
let encoded = encode (&msg).unwrap ();
let roundtripped = decode (&encoded).unwrap ();
assert_eq!(roundtripped, msg);

View File

@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ use ptth_core::{
use ptth_server::{

View File

@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ async fn main () -> anyhow::Result <()> {
tokio::fs::write ("ptth_quic_output/quic_server.crt", app.server_cert ()).await?;
tokio::select! {
val = app.run () => {
_val = app.run () => {
val = running_rx.changed () => {
_val = running_rx.changed () => {

View File

@ -109,8 +109,6 @@ pub struct Relay {
#[derive (Clone, Default)]
pub (crate) struct MonitoringCounters {
pub (crate) requests_total: u64,
pub (crate) requests_by_scraper_api: HashMap <String, u64>,
pub (crate) requests_by_email: HashMap <String, u64>,
#[derive (Clone)]
@ -122,7 +120,6 @@ pub struct RejectedServer {
#[derive (Clone, Debug)]
pub struct AuditEvent {
time_monotonic: Instant,
pub time_utc: DateTime <Utc>,
pub data: AuditData,
@ -148,7 +145,6 @@ pub enum AuditData {
impl AuditEvent {
pub fn new (data: AuditData) -> Self {
Self {
time_monotonic: Instant::now (),
time_utc: Utc::now (),

View File

@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ async fn api_v1 (
if path_rest == "metrics" {
Ok (metrics (req, state).await?)
Ok (metrics (state).await?)
else if path_rest == "test" {
Ok (error_reply (StatusCode::OK, "You're valid!")?)
@ -223,9 +223,8 @@ async fn api_v1 (
#[instrument (level = "trace", skip (req, state))]
#[instrument (level = "trace", skip (state))]
async fn metrics (
req: Request <Body>,
state: &Relay,
-> Result <Response <Body>, RequestError>

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ pub async fn handle_listen (
let mut server_status = state.server_status.lock ().await;
let mut status = server_status.entry (watcher_code.clone ()).or_insert_with (Default::default);
let status = server_status.entry (watcher_code.clone ()).or_insert_with (Default::default);
status.last_seen = now;

View File

@ -419,27 +419,6 @@ impl FileServer {
}) => serve_file (uri, file.into_inner (), send_body, range, headers.get ("if-none-match").map (|v| &v[..])).await?,
MarkdownErr (e) => {
#[cfg (feature = "markdown")]
use markdown::Error::*;
let e = e.inner;
let code = match &e {
TooBig => StatusCode::InternalServerError,
//NotMarkdown => serve_error (StatusCode::BadRequest, "File is not Markdown"),
NotUtf8 => StatusCode::BadRequest,
return Ok (serve_error (code, e.to_string ()));
#[cfg (not (feature = "markdown"))]
let _e = e;
serve_error (StatusCode::BadRequest, "Markdown feature is disabled")
MarkdownPreview (s) => html::serve (s),

View File

@ -76,9 +76,6 @@ pub enum Response {
ServeDir (ServeDirParams),
ServeFile (ServeFileParams),
MarkdownErr (MarkdownErrWrapper),
MarkdownPreview (String),
#[cfg (feature = "markdown")]
@ -131,7 +128,7 @@ fn serve_dir (
async fn serve_file (
file: tokio::fs::File,
uri: &http::Uri,
_uri: &http::Uri,
send_body: bool,
headers: &HashMap <String, Vec <u8>>

View File

@ -266,8 +266,6 @@ pub struct Config {
pub struct Builder {
config_file: ConfigFile,
hidden_path: Option <PathBuf>,
asset_root: Option <PathBuf>,
impl Builder {
@ -289,17 +287,13 @@ impl Builder {
Self {
hidden_path: None,
asset_root: None,
pub fn build (self) -> Result <State, ServerError>
State::new (
@ -340,12 +334,8 @@ pub async fn run_server (
let state = Arc::new (State::new (
let file_server_2 = Arc::clone (&file_server);
let mut spawn_handler = || {
let file_server = Arc::clone (&file_server);
let hit_counter = hit_counter.clone ();
@ -353,7 +343,7 @@ pub async fn run_server (
|req: http_serde::RequestParts| async move {
if let Some (hit_tx) = &hit_counter {
eprintln! ("hit_tx.send");
hit_tx.send (()).await;
hit_tx.send (()).await.ok ();
Ok (file_server.serve_all (req.method, &req.uri, &req.headers).await?)
@ -369,15 +359,11 @@ pub async fn run_server (
impl State {
pub fn new (
config_file: ConfigFile,
hidden_path: Option <PathBuf>,
asset_root: Option <PathBuf>
-> Result <Self, ServerError>
use std::convert::TryInto;
let asset_root = asset_root.unwrap_or_else (PathBuf::new);
info! ("Server name is {}", config_file.name);
info! ("Tripcode is {}", config_file.tripcode ());

View File

@ -24,18 +24,6 @@ fn load_inner <
Ok (toml::from_str (&config_s)?)
/// For files that contain public-viewable information
fn load_public <
T: DeserializeOwned,
P: AsRef <Path> + Debug
> (
config_file_path: P
) -> Result <T, LoadTomlError> {
let f = File::open (&config_file_path)?;
load_inner (f)
/// For files that may contain secrets and should have permissions or other
/// safeties checked