Add trace log for streaming files

_ 2020-11-09 16:33:13 +00:00
parent 4d4a46f167
commit 9714794122
2 changed files with 22 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -306,6 +306,9 @@ async fn serve_file (
let mut bytes_sent = 0;
let mut bytes_left = content_length;
let mark_interval = 200_000;
let mut next_mark = mark_interval;
loop {
let mut buffer = vec! [0u8; 65_536];
let bytes_read: u64 = (&mut buffer).await.unwrap ().try_into ().unwrap ();
@ -330,7 +333,10 @@ async fn serve_file (
bytes_sent += bytes_read;
trace! ("Sent {} bytes", bytes_sent);
while next_mark <= bytes_sent {
trace! ("Sent {} bytes", next_mark);
next_mark += mark_interval;
//delay_for (Duration::from_millis (50)).await;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
- Not working behind Nginx (Works okay behind Caddy)
- Add byte counter in `trace!()` macro in the file server
- Not working great behind reverse proxies
- Show file server names in HTML
- Impl multi-range / multi-part byte serving
@ -58,3 +59,16 @@ I tried to figure out the percent encoding and it didn't work.
Maybe Base64 would be better or something? At least it's unambiguous and it
can go straight from UTF-8 to bytes to ASCII-armored.
## Turtle in Firefox's network debugger
The turtle shows up if Firefox has to wait more than 500 ms till first byte.
Curl says we can download a small file (950 bytes) end-to-end in about 250 ms.
So I think somewhere between Firefox and Caddy, something is getting confused.
Firefox, probably the same as Chromium, doesn't try to buffer entire videos
at once, so I think it purposely hangs the download, and then I'm not sure
what happens.
I might have to build a client that imitates this behavior, since it's hard
to control.