🐛 bug: don't send Content-Length to relay if status code is 304 Not Modified

Thanks to Nginx for noticing this
_ 2022-02-05 16:59:54 +00:00
parent 2656d16264
commit e5d157e1af
1 changed files with 5 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -97,9 +97,12 @@ async fn handle_one_req (
.header (ptth_core::PTTH_MAGIC_HEADER, base64::encode (rmp_serde::to_vec (&response.parts).map_err (ServerError::MessagePackEncodeResponse)?))
.header ("X-PTTH-SERVER-NAME", &state.config.name);
if response.parts.status_code != ptth_core::http_serde::StatusCode::NotModified {
if let Some (length) = response.content_length {
resp_req = resp_req.header ("Content-Length", length.to_string ());
if let Some (mut body) = response.body {
if state.config.throttle_upload {
// Spawn another task to throttle the chunks