Commit Graph

  • b40233cc62 ♻️ Wrap relay config in a RwLock _ 2020-11-25 02:30:57 +0000
  • 7aafbba4d9 Add "last seen" to server list _ 2020-11-25 02:17:08 +0000
  • a3e76cf120 ♻️ Clippy pass _ 2020-11-25 00:16:14 +0000
  • bfe07fddc3 Add "--print-tripcode" option to ptth_server _ 2020-11-24 23:56:43 +0000
  • 1b9eabf458 Relay sorting was fixed in the last commit _ 2020-11-24 23:55:59 +0000
  • 5378e66e39 🐛 Use file permissions to forbid access to ptth_server.toml _ 2020-11-19 01:45:42 +0000
  • 563465c85b Add todo _ 2020-11-19 01:01:28 +0000
  • c726cb3456 Add todo _ 2020-11-19 00:12:00 +0000
  • ed45e190ae Add todo _ 2020-11-19 00:10:32 +0000
  • b32990a6bb Add asset_root option _ 2020-11-18 23:24:47 +0000
  • 3293b3e7f9 Add config_path command-line option _ 2020-11-18 22:48:15 +0000
  • d8173e61b5 Pin Rust toolchain _ 2020-11-18 21:42:07 +0000
  • b333b56e80 Make Markdown previews sans-serif on principle _ 2020-11-10 03:01:00 +0000
  • ff6e841e0b Markdown preview added to the standalone server, not linked in yet _ 2020-11-10 02:39:20 +0000
  • 13b816fd6e ♻️ Adding space for a Markdown preview _ 2020-11-10 01:02:59 +0000
  • 63abdc3a16 💄 Show file server name in directory pages _ 2020-11-10 00:44:21 +0000
  • 1d469c8dff Update todo / readme _ 2020-11-09 17:02:36 +0000
  • 9714794122 Add trace log for streaming files _ 2020-11-09 16:33:13 +0000
  • 4d4a46f167 🐳 _ 2020-11-09 01:06:53 +0000
  • 116b3b4900 Marking known issues and wrapping up dev for the night _ 2020-11-09 00:53:07 +0000
  • 49cd292115 🐛 Allowing spaces in server names _ 2020-11-09 00:04:35 +0000
  • f81d819c31 Flip match_prefix args _ 2020-11-08 23:53:31 +0000
  • 2b93aa8b83 🐛 Implement 416 Range Not Satisfiable _ 2020-11-08 18:12:45 +0000
  • 02da0ff0fc 🐛 Redirect to add trailing slashes for directories _ 2020-11-08 17:58:14 +0000
  • 435232bf6c ♻️ Use a prelude to clean up the unused imports for `tracing` _ 2020-11-08 16:00:31 +0000
  • c5691d9d05 🐛 Fix the backlinks from servers up to the relay _ 2020-11-08 15:53:09 +0000
  • 345fa64ad0 Hide ptth_server.toml with 403 Forbidden _ 2020-11-08 15:01:15 +0000
  • f42068db89 🐛 Fix a bug in the backoff and update todo. _ 2020-11-08 03:16:13 +0000
  • 5fa0bd8584 ♻️ Remove unused `use` statements _ 2020-11-08 02:38:27 +0000
  • 8c7f4684b4 Log request paths _ 2020-11-08 02:37:11 +0000
  • 70522f851a Add module diagram _ 2020-11-08 02:36:27 +0000
  • 27b877e80e 🐳 Update cached version in Dockerfile _ 2020-11-07 23:10:39 +0000
  • 151f236a0b 💄 Tweak a few things and update todo _ 2020-11-07 23:10:01 +0000
  • e0b8c8cb58 Add forced shutdown to ptth_relay. _ 2020-11-07 02:29:45 +0000
  • 9e134d55aa 🎉 Add forced shutdown fallback to graceful_shutdown module _ 2020-11-07 02:26:34 +0000
  • f02e12aecc 🐛 Add forced shutdown to ptth_file_server. _ 2020-11-07 01:40:29 +0000
  • 75177cec80 🚧 Guess it's a bug in hyper. _ 2020-11-07 01:34:58 +0000
  • 32798e8250 🚧 Still hunting a bug where the relay can't shut down if Firefox is connected _ 2020-11-07 00:30:56 +0000
  • e0298a5289 🐛 Working on a bunch of bugs and error handling _ 2020-11-06 23:43:52 +0000
  • 3786cec8ab 🚧 Add a bunch more logging / tracing _ 2020-11-06 20:55:55 +0000
  • 5626ecc05c Update todo _ 2020-11-06 18:49:41 +0000
  • b6f6987eec Update todo _ 2020-11-06 05:17:29 +0000
  • 851b895873 🐛 Turns out I had the modules all wrong. This one works good _ 2020-11-05 23:11:07 -0600
  • d8010cf33c ♻️ Graceful shutdown is now a oneshot for both relays and servers _ 2020-11-05 23:03:33 -0600
  • 50393e60a0 ♻️ _ 2020-11-05 22:18:47 -0600
  • 7d5a491c98 ♻️ Remove Option<> _ 2020-11-05 21:44:32 -0600
  • ec4e0e6335 🐛 Fix graceful shutdown of relay and server in end_to_end test _ 2020-11-05 21:35:55 -0600
  • 6b772ad512 ♻️ Remove some unused code _ 2020-11-02 19:41:36 -0600
  • 95a038f7af Running for real. Lots of todos added _ 2020-11-03 16:00:50 +0000
  • a96c82dea4 🐛 Add content-length header when POSTing a response to the relay Trisha Earley 2020-11-06 18:47:04 +0000
  • 9933ac40d4 Update todo _ 2020-11-06 05:17:29 +0000
  • 80e8183af5 🐛 Turns out I had the modules all wrong. This one works good _ 2020-11-05 23:11:07 -0600
  • e9d335eec1 ♻️ Graceful shutdown is now a oneshot for both relays and servers _ 2020-11-05 23:03:33 -0600
  • 26b4c335c6 ♻️ _ 2020-11-05 22:18:47 -0600
  • 3a50424a35 ♻️ Remove Option<> _ 2020-11-05 21:44:32 -0600
  • 7e697df35a 🐛 Fix graceful shutdown of relay and server in end_to_end test _ 2020-11-05 21:35:55 -0600
  • a94741261f ♻️ Remove some unused code _ 2020-11-02 19:41:36 -0600
  • 05a83854f9 Running for real. Lots of todos added _ 2020-11-03 16:00:50 +0000
  • 690f07dab6 Add QUIC plan _ 2020-11-03 13:11:20 +0000
  • daecac8554 Update readme _ 2020-11-03 01:20:24 +0000
  • 4a1e1a7c23 🐛 Fixes for actual use _ 2020-11-02 19:17:22 +0000
  • aad8ffdedd 🐛 Don't build credentials into the Docker image _ 2020-11-02 18:59:35 +0000
  • ad79e4ed3c Add Ctrl-C handler _ 2020-11-02 18:39:19 +0000
  • d41422ac6e 🐳 🐛 Fix SSL depends for Docker build _ 2020-11-02 18:10:58 +0000
  • 0a3ca71c2d Fix make-old-git perms _ 2020-11-02 18:08:02 +0000
  • e99ace3ca0 🐳 Add Git version printout when ptth_relay launches _ 2020-11-02 18:07:34 +0000
  • 04cfaf75e1 🐳 Work on Docker build _ 2020-11-02 18:02:01 +0000
  • 16984ddcd3 Split up the prefixes for frontend and servers so we can separate auth easier _ 2020-11-02 17:44:04 +0000
  • b352f459c7 Scrubbed my email _ 2020-11-02 17:14:09 +0000
  • 9681b74a1c Going to try scrubbing my email from history _ 2020-11-02 17:06:56 +0000
  • 11d6471612 Update todo _ 2020-11-02 17:05:31 +0000
  • aabd51cba6 Update todo and readme _ 2020-11-02 15:51:13 +0000
  • 26eb395f18 Move `relay_url` into the server config TOML too _ 2020-11-02 14:41:22 +0000
  • 1de6c0aca7 The server will now error out if it detects that its own password is weak _ 2020-11-02 14:23:08 +0000
  • 903d5f338d Working on README. The relay will now error out if 2 servers share a tripcode _ 2020-11-02 13:52:27 +0000
  • 189ae7abd7 🐛 Don't create new rendezvous points for unknown servers. _ 2020-11-02 13:37:08 +0000
  • b1b37ee696 Update todo _ 2020-11-02 13:16:57 +0000
  • dfa3689565 Update todo _ 2020-11-01 22:13:38 -0600
  • c5ecf4bc88 Add another layer in the URI to make room for future features _ 2020-11-01 22:07:55 -0600
  • 13117e4237 Add tripcodes for a little security _ 2020-11-01 21:34:50 -0600
  • e7edf84282 🐛 Fix rendezvous problem. _ 2020-11-01 20:07:46 -0600
  • 067e240ff4 🚧 I'm gonna try to fix the rendezvous problem _ 2020-11-01 18:13:12 -0600
  • c056118798 Set up CLI flags to manually test 2 servers at once _ 2020-10-31 22:17:11 -0500
  • 063e79d217 🚨 Add license to Cargo.toml and fix up clippy stuff _ 2020-10-31 21:59:02 -0500
  • b673fa94c7 🚧 Split up watchers into client and server _ 2020-10-31 21:53:09 -0500
  • 15a62a5e2a 🚧 Trying to fix the issue where clients don't wait on servers _ 2020-10-31 20:21:53 -0500
  • 41e5f99688 update todo _ 2020-10-31 16:00:13 -0500
  • f57777c72f Add server list page _ 2020-10-31 15:46:38 -0500
  • 9244953e57 ♻️ Extract load_templates fn for file server _ 2020-10-31 12:56:36 -0500
  • bf48eb2dbd Update todo _ 2020-10-31 16:53:38 +0000
  • be53772337 🎉 Add parent directory link. _ 2020-10-31 15:46:24 +0000
  • 0572de2ad0 💄 Make directory indexes prettier _ 2020-10-31 15:28:27 +0000
  • 1fb0c2aafa 💄 Switched to a handlebars template for the whole dir index _ 2020-10-31 09:35:18 -0500
  • 55b3e9f520 🚧 Working on handlebars for prettier directories _ 2020-10-30 21:31:03 -0500
  • ba17f11297 ♻️ Extract http_serde::Body so I can make the file server standalone _ 2020-10-30 20:35:39 -0500
  • 3b8a58df1d Don't shorten dependency versions, turned out this is pointless _ 2020-10-30 19:00:55 -0500
  • dac223efde ♻️ Extract relay_url option _ 2020-10-30 18:48:44 -0500
  • 0f092f7213 Test the file server by hashing the AGPL license remotely _ 2020-10-30 18:36:32 -0500
  • 5d14155ba3 Start adding some tests _ 2020-10-30 18:18:42 -0500
  • 41213f7272 ♻️ Move the server bin into the lib, too _ 2020-10-30 18:02:57 -0500