# The PTTH protocol (As currently implemented) ## Steps: 1. Server makes a request to the relay to listen for client requests 2. Client makes a request to the relay 3. Relay responds to server's request from step 1 with the client request from step 2 4. Server processes client request 5. Server makes a request to the relay to respond to the client. 6. Relay responds to client's request from step 2 with the server response from step 4 7. Relay responds to server's request from step 5 ```text Client Relay Server P1 O <----- O P2/H1 | O ------> O | P3 O -----> O | P4/H2 O <----- O | P5 O <------ O P6/H3 | P7 O -----> O ``` ## Example HTTP text The relay is at `https://example.com`. The server is named `aliens_wildland`. The API key is hidden for simplicity and to discourage copy-pasting of well-known secrets. Step 1, server to relay: ```text GET /7ZSFUKGV/http_listen/aliens_wildland http/1.1 Host: example.com ``` Step 2, client to relay: ```text GET /frontend/servers/aliens_wildland/files/ Host: example.com SomeClientHeader: hello ``` Step 3, relay to server (For readability, the body is written as JSON. PTTH actually uses Msgpack.) ```text HTTP/1.1 200 OK [ { "id": "01F4B61CQF1GY39BM5H24SR9H3", "req": { "method": "GET", "uri": "/files", "headers": { "SomeClientHeader": "hello" } } } ] ``` Step 4 doesn't involve any HTTP. Step 5, server to relay: ```text POST /7ZSFUKGV/http_response/01F4B61CQF1GY39BM5H24SR9H3 http/1.1 Host: example.com X-PTTH-2LJYXWC4: ZXhhbXBsZSB0ZXh0IGdvZXMgaGVyZQo= Content-Length: 2400 ... ``` The "PTTH magic header" `X-PTTH-2LJYXWC4` contains the server's response status code and headers, encoded as MsgPack and then ASCII-armored with Base64. The equivalent JSON would be: ```json { "status_code": "200", "headers": { "Content-Length": 2400, "SomeServerHeader": "hello back" } } ``` Step 6, relay to client: ```text HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 2400 SomeServerHeader: hello back ... ``` Step 7 doesn't contain any important data.