#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cxxopts.hpp" #include "json.hpp" #include "expiring_signature.h" #include "receiver.h" #include "sender.h" #include "signing_key.h" #include "sodium_helpers.h" #include "string_helpers.h" #include "time_helpers.h" using namespace std; using nlohmann::json; using namespace BareMinimumCrypto; namespace fs = std::filesystem; int file (const string & file_path) { cout << "Reading `" << file_path << "`" << endl; const auto j = std::move (*try_load_msgpack_file (file_path)); const string schema = j ["schema"]; cout << "Schema: " << schema << endl; if (schema == "3T6XF5DZ") { cout << "File is a secret key for humans (It's passphrase-protected)" << endl; // Read msgpack fields const auto key = std::move (*HumanKeyFile::try_from_msgpack (j)); // Read data from other places const auto now = Instant::now (); // Print normal stuff cout << "Generated at Unix time " << key.time_created.x << " (" << now.x - key.time_created.x << " seconds ago)" << endl; cout << "Generated on machine ID " << key.machine_id << endl; cout << "Claims to have Base64 pubkey `" << base64_encode (key.pubkey) << "`" << endl; // Print warnings if (now.x < key.time_created.x) { cout << "* The key was generated in the past. Someone's clock is wrong." << endl; } if (get_machine_id () != key.machine_id) { cout << "* The key was generated on another machine. You should report this." << endl; } if (fs::status (file_path).permissions () != fs::perms::owner_read) { cout << "* The key doesn't have the right permissions. Try `chmod 400` on it." << endl; } } else if (schema == "2PVHIKMA") { cout << "File is a secret key for machines (No passphrase)" << endl; // Read msgpack fields const auto key = std::move (*MachineKeyFile::try_from_msgpack (j)); // Read data from other places const auto now = Instant::now (); // Print normal stuff cout << "Generated at Unix time " << key.time_created.x << " (" << now.x - key.time_created.x << " seconds ago)" << endl; cout << "Generated on machine ID " << key.machine_id << endl; cout << "Claims to have Base64 pubkey `" << base64_encode (key.pubkey ()) << "`" << endl; // Print warnings if (now.x < key.time_created.x) { cout << "* The key was generated in the past. Someone's clock is wrong." << endl; } if (get_machine_id () != key.machine_id) { cout << "* The key was generated on another machine. You should report this." << endl; } if (fs::status (file_path).permissions () != fs::perms::owner_read) { cout << "* The key doesn't have the right permissions. Try `chmod 400` on it." << endl; } } else { cout << "Unknown schema. Maybe this file is from a newer version of BMC?" << endl; } return 0; } int test () { if (test_base64 () != 0) { return 1; } cerr << "crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES = " << crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES << endl; cerr << "crypto_sign_SECRETKEYBYTES = " << crypto_sign_SECRETKEYBYTES << endl; // We generate a root key and keep it somewhere safe // (offline, hopefully) SigningKey root_key; cerr << "Root pub key " << base64_encode (root_key.pubkey ()) << endl; if (test_time () != 0) { return 1; } const auto now = Instant::now (); // The sender generates a key SigningKey sender_key; cerr << "Sender key " << base64_encode (sender_key.pubkey ()) << endl; // The root signs the sender key const ExpiringSignature sender_cert = std::move (*root_key.sign_key (sender_key, now)); const auto sender = std::move (*Sender::create (sender_key, sender_cert)); // The sender signs some important data const auto important_data = copy_to_bytes ("Nikolai, Anna, Ivan, Mikhail, Ivan, Nikolai, Anna. 7 4 1 4 3 5 7 4"); const auto signed_data = std::move (*sender.sign (important_data)); // The receiver verifies the data by the root public key, // even though the receiver has never seen the sender-key. auto verified_opt = Receiver::verify_cert_and_data (root_key.pubkey (), signed_data); if (! verified_opt) { cerr << "Receiver couldn't verify cert and data" << endl; return 1; } const auto verified = std::move (*verified_opt); if (verified != important_data) { cerr << "Verified payload did not match expected payload" << endl; return 1; } return 0; } int main (int argc, char ** argv) { cxxopts::Options options ("BareMinimumCrypto", "Simple crypto things you might need."); options.add_options () // Commands ("help", "Print usage") ("file", "Print info about any file generated by BMC", cxxopts::value ()) ("generate-human-key", "Generate a passphrase-protected key for human use", cxxopts::value ()) ("generate-machine-key", "Generate a key for machine use, with no passphrase", cxxopts::value ()) ("generate-key-cert", "Certify a key for 3 months and save the cert here", cxxopts::value ()) // cxxopts nonsense ("using-key", "Key to load for other operations", cxxopts::value ()) // Other stuff ("test", "Run self-test") ; auto result = options.parse (argc, argv); if (result.count ("help")) { cout << options.help () << endl; } else if (result.count ("file")) { const auto file_path = result ["file"].as (); return file (file_path); } else if (result.count ("generate-human-key")) { const auto file_path = result ["generate-human-key"].as (); const auto passphrase = get_passphrase_from_user (); auto key_opt = HumanKeyFile::generate (file_path, passphrase); if (! key_opt) { cerr << "Error. Key was not generated" << endl; return 1; } cout << "The pubkey is `" << base64_encode (key_opt->pubkey ()) << "`" << endl; } else if (result.count ("generate-machine-key")) { const auto file_path = result ["generate-machine-key"].as (); auto key_opt = MachineKeyFile::generate (file_path); if (! key_opt) { cerr << "Error. Key was not generated" << endl; return 1; } cout << "The pubkey is `" << base64_encode (key_opt->pubkey ()) << "`" << endl; } else if (result.count ("generate-key-cert")) { if (! result.count ("using-key")) { cerr << "Usage: bmc --generate-key-cert output.cert --using-key human.key" << endl; return 1; } const auto key_path = result ["using-key"].as (); const auto output_path = result ["generate-key-cert"].as (); const auto passphrase = get_passphrase_from_user (); auto key_opt = HumanKeyFile::load (key_path, passphrase); if (! key_opt) { cerr << "Error, could not load human key." << endl; return 1; } const auto key = std::move (*key_opt); cout << "Paste Base64-encoded public key" << endl; string pubkey_b64; cin >> pubkey_b64; auto pubkey_opt = base64_decode (pubkey_b64); const auto pubkey = std::move (*pubkey_opt); auto sig_opt = key.sign (pubkey, TimeRange::from_start_and_dur (Instant::now (), about_3_months)); if (! sig_opt) { cerr << "Error, could not sign pubkey." << endl; return 1; } const auto sig = std::move (*sig_opt); } else if (result.count ("test")) { if (test () != 0) { return 1; } cerr << "All good." << endl; } return 0; }