use thiserror::Error; #[derive (Error, Debug)] pub enum ConfigError { #[error ("I/O error")] Io (#[from] std::io::Error), #[error ("UTF-8 decoding failed")] Utf8 (#[from] std::string::FromUtf8Error), #[error ("TOML parsing failed")] Toml (#[from] toml::de::Error), #[error ("base64 decoding failed")] Base64Decode (#[from] base64::DecodeError), #[error ("tripcode not 32 bytes after decoding")] TripcodeBadLength, #[error ("unknown config error")] Unknown, } // I'm not sure how important this is, but it was already in the code #[derive (Error, Debug)] pub enum ShuttingDownError { #[error ("Relay is shutting down")] ShuttingDown, } #[derive (Error, Debug)] pub enum HandleHttpResponseError { #[error ("HTTP error")] Http (#[from] http::Error), #[error ("Missing PTTH magic header")] MissingPtthMagicHeader, #[error ("PTTH magic header is not base64")] PtthMagicHeaderNotBase64 (base64::DecodeError), #[error ("PTTH magic header could not be decoded as MessagePack")] PtthMagicHeaderNotMsgPack (rmp_serde::decode::Error), #[error ("Couldn't tell server something")] LostServer, #[error ("Relaying task panicked")] RelayingTaskPanicked (#[from] tokio::task::JoinError), } #[derive (Error, Debug)] pub enum RequestError { #[error ("HTTP error")] Http (#[from] http::Error), #[error ("MessagePack encode error")] MsgPack (#[from] rmp_serde::encode::Error), #[error ("Handlebars rendering error")] Handlebars (#[from] handlebars::RenderError), #[error ("Error handling HTTP response")] HandleHttpResponse (#[from] HandleHttpResponseError), #[error ("Error is mysterious!")] Mysterious, } #[derive (Error, Debug)] pub enum RelayError { #[error ("Handlebars template file error")] TemplateFile (#[from] handlebars::TemplateFileError), #[error ("Hyper error")] Hyper (#[from] hyper::Error), }