use crate::prelude::*; pub struct NewConnection { pub local_send: tokio::net::tcp::OwnedWriteHalf, pub local_recv: tokio::net::tcp::OwnedReadHalf, pub relay_send: quinn::SendStream, pub relay_recv: quinn::RecvStream, } pub struct Connection { // Blue and green because they're not necessarily uplink nor downlink. // It depends on whether the client or server is using us. task_blue: JoinHandle >, task_green: JoinHandle >, } impl NewConnection { pub fn build (self) -> Connection { let Self { mut local_send, mut local_recv, mut relay_send, mut relay_recv, } = self; let task_blue = tokio::spawn (async move { // Downlink - Relay server to local client let mut buf = vec! [0u8; 65_536]; while let Some (bytes_read) = (&mut buf).await? { let buf_slice = &buf [0..bytes_read]; trace! ("Uplink relaying {} bytes", bytes_read); local_send.write_all (buf_slice).await?; } trace! ("Downlink closed"); Ok::<_, anyhow::Error> (()) }); let task_green = tokio::spawn (async move { // Uplink - local client to relay server let mut buf = vec! [0u8; 65_536]; loop { let bytes_read = (&mut buf).await?; if bytes_read == 0 { break; } let buf_slice = &buf [0..bytes_read]; trace! ("Downlink relaying {} bytes", bytes_read); relay_send.write_all (buf_slice).await?; } trace! ("Uplink closed"); Ok::<_, anyhow::Error> (()) }); Connection { task_blue, task_green, } } } impl Connection { pub async fn wait_for_close (self) -> anyhow::Result <()> { self.task_blue.await??; self.task_green.await??; Ok (()) } }