use chrono::{DateTime, Utc}; use tracing::debug; use ulid::Ulid; // Metrics are named for when they're updated: // - Startup (Once, when the server state is initialized) // - Interval (About once per minute) // - Events (When a request is processed) #[derive (Debug, serde::Serialize)] pub struct Startup { // D-Bus machine ID, if we're on Linux pub machine_id: Option , // Git version that ptth_server was built from (unimplemented) pub git_version: Option , // User-assigned and human-readable name for this server. // Must be unique within a relay. pub server_name: String, // Random base64 instance ID. ptth_server generates this at process start. // It's a fallback for detecting outages without relying on any clocks. #[serde (serialize_with = "serialize_ulid")] pub instance_id: Ulid, // System UTC pub startup_utc: DateTime , } #[derive (Debug, serde::Serialize)] pub struct Interval { pub utc: DateTime , pub rss_mib: u64, #[serde (skip)] pub cpu_usage: heim::process::CpuUsage, } pub struct Events { } impl Startup { #[must_use] pub fn new (server_name: String) -> Self { let x = Self { machine_id: get_machine_id (), git_version: None, server_name, instance_id: ulid::Ulid::new (), startup_utc: Utc::now (), }; debug! ("metrics at startup: {:?}", x); x } } fn serialize_ulid (t: &Ulid, s: S) -> Result { let t = t.to_string (); s.serialize_str (&t) } impl Interval { pub async fn new () -> Result { use tokio::join; use heim::process; use uom::si::{ information::mebibyte, ratio, time::second, }; let our_process = process::current ().await?; let cpu_usage = our_process.cpu_usage (); let (cpu_usage, mem) = join! { cpu_usage, our_process.memory () }; let cpu_usage = cpu_usage?; let mem = mem?; let rss_mib = mem.rss ().get:: (); let x = Self { utc: Utc::now (), rss_mib, cpu_usage, }; Ok (x) } } fn get_machine_id () -> Option { use std::{ fs::File, io::Read, }; let mut buf = vec! [0; 1024]; let mut f = File::open ("/etc/machine-id").ok ()?; let bytes_read = (&mut buf).ok ()?; buf.truncate (bytes_read); let s = std::str::from_utf8 (&buf).ok ()?; let s = s.trim_end ().to_string (); Some (s) } #[cfg (test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn ulid_null () { let a = Startup::new ("bogus".to_string ()); let b = Startup::new ("bogus".to_string ()); assert_ne! (a.instance_id, b.instance_id); } }