
68 lines
1.7 KiB

#pragma once
#include <optional>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "json.hpp"
#include "expiring_signature.h"
#include "time_helpers.h"
namespace BareMinimumCrypto {
using namespace std;
using nlohmann::json;
string get_machine_id ();
struct HumanKeyFile {
vector <uint8_t> salt;
Instant time_created;
vector <uint8_t> pubkey;
string machine_id;
vector <uint8_t> to_msgpack () const;
static optional <HumanKeyFile> try_from_msgpack (const json & msg);
struct MachineKeyFile {
vector <uint8_t> secretkey;
Instant time_created;
string machine_id;
vector <uint8_t> to_msgpack () const;
static optional <MachineKeyFile> try_from_msgpack (const json & msg);
vector <uint8_t> pubkey () const;
struct SigningKey {
vector <uint8_t> pk;
vector <uint8_t> sk;
SigningKey ();
// This doesn't fsync, so it's possible to lose the key due to a power outage
// or filesystem nonsense right after this function returns.
// It also doesn't do the rename trick. The caller may do that.
static optional <SigningKey> generate_human_key_file (const string & file_path, const string & passphrase);
static optional <SigningKey> generate_machine_key_file (const string & file_path);
static optional <SigningKey> load_human_key_file (const string & file_path, const string & passphrase);
vector <uint8_t> pubkey () const;
vector <uint8_t> pub_to_msgpack () const;
optional <ExpiringSignature> sign (
const vector <uint8_t> & payload,
TimeRange tr
) const;
optional <ExpiringSignature> sign_key (const SigningKey & k, Instant now) const;
optional <ExpiringSignature> sign_data (const vector <uint8_t> & v, Instant now) const;