
57 lines
1.3 KiB

#[derive (Debug, thiserror::Error, PartialEq)]
pub enum Error {
#[error ("File is too big to preview as Markdown")]
#[error ("File is not UTF-8")]
fn render (bytes: &[u8], out: &mut String) -> Result <(), Error> {
use pulldown_cmark::{Parser, Options, html};
let markdown_input = match std::str::from_utf8 (bytes) {
Err (_) => return Err (Error::NotUtf8),
Ok (x) => x,
let mut options = Options::empty ();
options.insert (Options::ENABLE_STRIKETHROUGH);
let parser = Parser::new_ext (markdown_input, options);
html::push_html (out, parser);
Ok (())
pub fn render_styled (bytes: &[u8]) -> Result <String, Error> {
// Write to String buffer.
let mut out = String::new ();
out.push_str ("<body style=\"font-family: sans-serif;\">");
render (bytes, &mut out)?;
out.push_str ("</body>");
Ok (out)
#[cfg (test)]
mod tests {
fn markdown () {
use super::*;
for (input, expected) in vec! [
("", ""),
"Hello world, this is a ~~complicated~~ *very simple* example.",
"<p>Hello world, this is a <del>complicated</del> <em>very simple</em> example.</p>\n"
].into_iter () {
let mut out = String::default ();
render (input.as_bytes (), &mut out).expect ("Markdown sample failed");
assert_eq! (expected, &out);