Commit Graph

  • e5103d48bd update: add ArcSwap to update gauges lock-free _ 2020-12-20 19:35:32 +0000
  • b2b0bbc8fc ♻️ refactor: rename _ 2020-12-20 19:00:22 +0000
  • 64ac4baaa8 update: print RSS in MiB at startup _ 2020-12-20 18:58:14 +0000
  • bc361fa876 update: add heim for measuring process RSS _ 2020-12-20 18:52:53 +0000
  • 47788f56e0 ♻️ refactor: use `use X as Y` _ 2020-12-20 18:40:49 +0000
  • 066c95dc07 ♻️ refactor: extract _ 2020-12-20 18:38:39 +0000
  • 4bd38180d0 ♻️ refactor: remove lifetime on handlebars _ 2020-12-20 18:23:17 +0000
  • 88c3500fd0 ♻️ refactor _ 2020-12-20 18:21:02 +0000
  • 1aff4389bd ♻️ refactor: move file server runtime state into file_server _ 2020-12-20 18:10:11 +0000
  • 31750d30fc ♻️ refactor: use new file_server::Config in ptth_server _ 2020-12-20 18:06:21 +0000
  • 009601e136 ♻️ refactor: move file server config into file_server _ 2020-12-20 18:04:19 +0000
  • e8d94da661 ♻️ refactor: change PerInstance to Startup _ 2020-12-20 17:44:03 +0000
  • d052f42507 🚧 wip: add placeholder for gauges _ 2020-12-20 17:41:00 +0000
  • b54be58abc 🚨 refactor: rename InstanceMetrics to PerInstance _ 2020-12-18 23:45:30 +0000
  • 72b3b33206 🚨 refactor: fix some Clippy lints _ 2020-12-18 23:41:52 +0000
  • d03c1a5476 update: add InstanceMetrics and replace ServerInfo _ 2020-12-18 20:43:34 +0000
  • 7a47c705d7 update: add a few other assets from the logo _ 2020-12-18 18:10:00 +0000
  • 25d22a16e0 💄 update: add base64 favicons and WIP dark mode _ 2020-12-18 18:08:17 +0000
  • 1cf3ff5313 💄 update: add logo and favicon _ 2020-12-18 17:01:26 +0000
  • c70f44f4e4 📝 docs: update todo _ 2020-12-18 16:58:41 +0000
  • 626946b7b7 🔉 update: demote some boring logs from debug to trace _ 2020-12-16 19:06:15 -0600
  • 3bc8323cc8 📝 docs: update example curl commands Trisha 2020-12-16 10:33:03 -0600
  • 1e160ec55b new: add subcommand in ptth_relay to hash API keys from the terminal _ 2020-12-16 14:57:47 +0000
  • 9ac44cfeb7 new: finish MVP for scraper auth. _ 2020-12-16 14:46:03 +0000
  • cda627fa4b new: add JSON API in server for dir listings _ 2020-12-15 05:15:17 +0000
  • 11f4b0e65b test: Fix tests broken by recent commits _ 2020-12-14 14:17:52 +0000
  • cdc890ad89 📝 docs: update scraper auth todo _ 2020-12-14 01:08:00 -0600
  • fa5aa8b05a 🚧 wip: add server list API endpoint _ 2020-12-14 01:07:13 -0600
  • e865ac56c7 🚨 refactor: fix some clippy / cargo check warnings _ 2020-12-13 20:05:52 -0600
  • 78bffc74c3 📝 docs: plan remaining tasks on scraper API _ 2020-12-13 05:04:04 +0000
  • 4c52d88be0 📝 docs: check off todo for scraper API _ 2020-12-13 04:56:43 +0000
  • 5d1b68dc90 📜 logging: don't log handlebars object _ 2020-12-13 04:47:47 +0000
  • 9c7b2b7a86 test: add tests for scraper API test endpoint _ 2020-12-13 04:44:37 +0000
  • 0737edd8f8 👕 refactor: move handlebars out of RelayState _ 2020-12-13 04:03:30 +0000
  • 32e48697d5 👕 refactor: extract scraper_api module _ 2020-12-13 03:42:00 +0000
  • 5f947ed73c 👕 refactor: Extract relay_state module _ 2020-12-13 03:29:54 +0000
  • 532f99f770 💄 update: add dev mode and server Git version to server list _ 2020-12-13 02:25:18 +0000
  • 0e4839e146 🐳 build: add Tini to Docker image, simplify Git version injection _ 2020-12-13 02:05:22 +0000
  • dc2958ad7a 📝 docs: add todo _ 2020-12-13 01:51:42 +0000
  • 670ce30667 test: add end-to-end test for scraper API _ 2020-12-13 01:54:54 +0000
  • 1e81421444 👕 refactor: Extract functions for scraper API endpoints _ 2020-12-13 01:12:56 +0000
  • 622895f77d 📝 docs: update readme, which was out of date _ 2020-12-12 18:19:51 +0000
  • ca6f281351 📝 docs: add glossary section _ 2020-12-12 18:06:49 +0000
  • 6d68a77364 new (ptth_relay): add test endpoint for scrapers _ 2020-12-12 17:50:40 +0000
  • 6961fde7dc 📝 docs: update plan _ 2020-12-12 17:14:10 +0000
  • 004b98229a 🐛 bug: fix serde expecting phantom data in the config file _ 2020-12-12 17:12:38 +0000
  • 0eb1e7e38f new: add code for scraper keys to expire and have limited durations _ 2020-12-12 17:11:22 +0000
  • bf8e483d16 👕 refactor: merge the servers' config file and runtime representations _ 2020-12-12 15:57:22 +0000
  • b43106393a 👕 refactor (ptth_relay): use the new blake3 deserializer _ 2020-12-12 15:50:38 +0000
  • 9bc4b57058 new (ptth_relay): add serde deserializer for blake3 hashes _ 2020-12-12 15:35:33 +0000
  • cc96af6110 📝 docs: improve plan for scraper keys _ 2020-12-12 15:10:14 +0000
  • 6861560274 📝 docs: update _ 2020-12-12 15:07:45 +0000
  • 31626844ca ⬆️ deps: cargo update _ 2020-12-12 05:31:29 +0000
  • 1c798afdf0 📦 build (ptth_relay): update ID of bottom layer that we minimize out _ 2020-12-12 05:23:23 +0000
  • 8e171fbf08 ⬆️ deps (ptth_relay): update Docker build to Rust 1.48 and latest Buster _ 2020-12-12 05:18:29 +0000
  • 0c5a37b441 🐳 build (ptth_relay): clean up Docker build process _ 2020-12-12 01:53:20 +0000
  • 951fe27b5f update (build scripts): remove old build.bash _ 2020-12-12 01:35:47 +0000
  • f6486b2c1a 🔧 config (ptth_relay): add feature flags _ 2020-12-12 01:26:58 +0000
  • 4014290f98 📝 docs (YNQAQKJS) add plan for 3rd auth route _ 2020-12-11 21:04:59 +0000
  • c4b12eb806 🏁 Builds on Windows. _ 2020-12-10 06:24:56 +0000
  • 865bd1f01f 🚧 Can't remember what I was working on here _ 2020-12-10 05:49:23 +0000
  • 4cbb4b72ca 🚧 🐳 Experimenting with a new Dockerfile _ 2020-12-01 14:47:55 +0000
  • e8c020fbc6 Update --print-tripcode option _ 2020-11-30 16:15:27 +0000
  • bbeb406032 Removed unused dep _ 2020-11-30 16:15:22 +0000
  • 00c29a6464 :docker: Fix Dockerfile again _ 2020-11-30 15:57:14 +0000
  • b40eda4a69 🐛 Fix tests _ 2020-11-30 15:55:14 +0000
  • e59bb5b7bc 💥 Break relay config again _ 2020-11-30 15:52:15 +0000
  • 14df0bdf92 🐳 Fix Docker _ 2020-11-29 23:47:02 +0000
  • 7925d9be95 ♻️ Move server endpoints to their own file _ 2020-11-29 23:24:25 +0000
  • 8079b3f778 ♻️ Remove "internal" from names in the internal module _ 2020-11-29 23:15:45 +0000
  • bb4c4e803a ♻️ Extract file server internal parts to their own file _ 2020-11-29 23:12:56 +0000
  • 6e6e062c51 ♻️ Move Markdown previewing to its own file _ 2020-11-29 22:56:25 +0000
  • ab95485d92 ♻️ Fix clippy issues _ 2020-11-29 22:41:48 +0000
  • b94a3a1e17 Move byte range code into its own file _ 2020-11-29 22:31:54 +0000
  • b43a6c2e4b ♻️ Move emoji icons into one place _ 2020-11-29 22:12:25 +0000
  • 028970cdf0 ♻️ Remove the hyper dep from ptth_server.exe _ 2020-11-29 21:55:24 +0000
  • f4b0c64e01 ♻️ Move ptth_file_server into a bin crate so ptth_server can shed some dependencies _ 2020-11-29 21:42:03 +0000
  • d6430e39a9 ♻️ Get rid of more unwraps and panics _ 2020-11-29 21:38:23 +0000
  • 7bd2450698 ♻️ Fix pedantic clippy warnings _ 2020-11-29 20:22:40 +0000
  • eada65d94b ♻️ Remove unwraps from file server module _ 2020-11-29 19:59:47 +0000
  • f212931842 ♻️ Remove more unwraps _ 2020-11-29 19:47:40 +0000
  • 720aae2201 ♻️ Working on errors for file server and server _ 2020-11-29 19:19:59 +0000
  • c3ff3deb8e ♻️ Fix some clippy warnings _ 2020-11-29 19:05:28 +0000
  • 47c59447f3 ♻️ Splitting tests for file server into their own _ 2020-11-29 18:50:51 +0000
  • aad7f8e729 ♻️ Remove all practically removable unwraps from ptth_relay _ 2020-11-29 18:39:51 +0000
  • 687cffdf90 ♻️ Fixing clippy lints _ 2020-11-29 18:37:33 +0000
  • 5c0d7ea998 ♻️ Removing unwraps _ 2020-11-29 17:08:33 +0000
  • bf96d400b2 ♻️ Removing unwraps _ 2020-11-29 16:58:56 +0000
  • 3e74f2b1ef ♻️ Fix unwrap()s in ptth_core. _ 2020-11-29 16:36:59 +0000
  • 5f9e84f7f6 🐳 Fix Docker _ 2020-11-27 01:07:39 +0000
  • bbb88c01e8 ♻️ Extract ptth_server crate. Docker still broken _ 2020-11-27 00:50:22 +0000
  • 4c9595ee2e ♻️ Extract crate ptth_relay _ 2020-11-27 00:20:18 +0000
  • 84bb326f37 ♻️ Extract crate ptth_core _ 2020-11-27 00:03:11 +0000
  • 64a0d90762 ♻️ Move git_version into relay _ 2020-11-26 23:53:03 +0000
  • a6ecb1c6a8 ♻️ Move load_toml into server _ 2020-11-26 23:51:10 +0000
  • c4108f6f2f Move the bad passwords code into the server module since the relay doesn't need it _ 2020-11-26 23:41:32 +0000
  • 7c2ce65864 ♻️ Extract src/ _ 2020-11-26 23:33:10 +0000
  • 28ce6a32cd 💄 Show servers in the server list even if they aren't connected yet _ 2020-11-26 23:30:33 +0000
  • bf4e5c7a5b ♻️ Planning changes to relay config _ 2020-11-26 21:50:55 +0000
  • 8369dc8675 Reload relay config every minute _ 2020-11-25 03:09:21 +0000