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How-to: Run ptth_server

Note: On Termux for Android you might run umask 0022 first. Otherwise ptth_server might accidentally make files world-unreadable when it opens them, and PTTH refuses to serve world-unreadable files. 0022 is the default on desktops, so this is probably an Android security thing. PTTH uses the same permissions to protect its config file, so the two interfere.

Without writing your own config file

(Ideal if you're running ptth_server autonomously from a script or something)

ptth_server \
--auto-gen-key \
--config-path ptth_server.toml \
--relay_url \
--name my_server_name

ptth_server will:

  • Try to use the API key from ptth_server.toml
  • If that config file doesn't exist, create it, mark it as not readable to other Unix users, and fill it with a random key
  • Attempt to contact the ptth_relay instance with the base URL
  • Identify itself to that relay with the name my_server_name and the random key

With your own config file

(Ideal for long-lived instances)

mkdir config
touch config/ptth_server.toml
chmod 600 config/ptth_server.toml
dd if=/dev/urandom bs=64 count=1 | base64 >> config/ptth_server.toml

Open config/ptth_server.toml in your text editor.

There will be 64 bytes of random Base64 in the file already. Use that for the api_key field. Fill out the other fields as desired:

name = "my_server_name"
relay_url = ""
file_server_root = "/home/user/public"
api_key = 

Then run ptth_server with no arguments.