A rich-text multi-media weblog viewable in most web browsers. Available via RSS feed (Firefox users may enjoy Feedbro)
¶2024 09Sep 12 - The short version of the 2024 vegan cheese review is that Daiya slices are good now and I have a recipe for vegan grilled cheese, which this micropost is too small to contain.
¶2024 08Aug 12 - I intend to make a post indexing my favorite Astral Codex Ten posts
¶2024 08Aug 04 - I am now a fan of JSON5.
¶2024 08Aug 01 - - Dagger is a compile-time DI framework - Null pointer exception - All right, very cool, good job everyone.
¶2024 07Jul 31 - I intend to start a page here with movies and shows I want to watch or rewatch. I keep losing track of them.
¶2024 07Jul 31 - I found it. http://researchenglish.com/wp-content/uploads/issues/201603/12.pdf "My little sister, you have forgotten me!"
¶2024 07Jul 29 - The first 5 micro-blogs have been too inane to publish on the RSS feed. I'd like for entries in that feed to actually mean something. So I won't put these in there just yet. Good night, dear readers.
¶2024 07Jul 29 - Used the LRSSG to throw in some permalink pilcrows.
¶2024 07Jul 29 - All the metadata is generated from a JSON5 file now, which is a lot easier to write. Original JSON really let me down. The microblogs are also written in-line as strings, which means I can't put HTML / Markdown in them.
¶2024 07Jul 29 - This will make it easier to write shorter, dumber thoughts on my blog, so I hope you're all, REALLY, looking forward to that.
¶2024 07Jul 29 - I've converted the blog to use a custom static site generator, "LRSSG". This is a test microblog entry that does not have its own page. Also the blog is dark-themed now.